(Pitch) Perfect Addition to Villanova A Cappella Scene
February 20, 2018
If you’re an A Cappella enthusiast like myself, you’ll be thrilled to hear about Villanova’s hot new addition. Sophomore Courtney Shultz founded an acapella group last month, adding to Villanova’s seven preexisting ones. For the past year and a half, Shultz found herself devoting countless hours a week to off-campus choir rehearsals—time that as college students, we know is not abundant. Courtney noticed this trend affected other Villanovans as well, and recognized the need to take action. Though the idea of creating another musical option for students had been growing since her freshman year, it wasn’t until late last semester that Courtney took action.
Courtney’s passion for music, both as a performer and a listener, drove her to create this marvelous music addition to Villanova. As a pianist, guitarist, choir member and accomplished thespian, Courtney’s background with both music and performance is strong to say the least. On a personal level, she’s a fan of all types of music. Courtney is constantly exploring new genres, noting her most recent discovery to be international music. However she explains R&B is her favorite genre to sing. Courtney’s qualification in performing arts, as well as her devotion to exploring new and fresh music make her the perfect founder and leader of this new performing group.
Just a month after Courtney formally decided to take action, the group already existed, however it took fortitude, determination and persistence. Courtney spent winter break designing posters, promoting the group on her personal social media, as well as posting in a plethora of Villanova Facebook groups. Upon the start of this semester, Courtney hung up her posters all throughout campus, informing Villanovans of this new A Cappella opportunity.
After hours of hard work to get there, Courtney saw immediate results. The need for more music groups that Courtney identified was evident. With a great turnout, the group was able to come together quickly, and now stands as (unofficially) a 13-member, co-ed A Cappella group. As of now the group remains nameless, as Courtney believes the finalized group should make the decision as a whole.
You may ask with seven prevailing A Cappella groups, how this one distinguishes itself from the rest. Currently, many of the groups perform a wide range of popular songs, from modern to throwbacks, but Courtney plans to focus her group’s music selection to R&B, her favorite genre to sing. As of now, the group is looking into classic R&B and pop R&B arrangements. However, they expect to eventually explore other rhythm and blues branches as well.
Though the group’s progress is slightly behind where Courtney anticipated due to flu season delays, the group is on their way to choosing songs, learning about the acapella arrangement process, and deciding leadership positions within the group. Currently in its “trial” semester, the group will finalize membership, positions, rehearsal times and more details that contribute to the group’s success during the next two and half months. Though specific dates have not yet been determined, expect to see the group performing at various on and off campus events throughout the semester.
By May, once the group’s commitment is clear, and through the magic of paperwork, the group will become legitimized as the eighth A Cappella group at Villanova. Next year freshman will see Courtney’s creation on the official “roster” of A Cappella groups for the 2018-2019 school year. Keep your eyes (and ears) out for more on this fresh addition throughout the rest of the semester!