Letters to the Editor

Editors choose right cover storyTo the editors:Your choice of front page “bad boys” over girls’ victory made sense to me under the time constraints. Good journalistic instinct. Makes sense to me. And don’t you appreciate that Villanova suspended (“benched”) the “bad boys” even with playoffs. At least there are some standards that are upheld. Amen.Sara BoyceCroton, N.Y.

Prof. declares war unjustTo the editors:Recently I have heard and read statements on campus to the effect that, now that the bombs are falling, the time for debate is over and that I should support the U. S. war against Iraq. I would like to explain why I cannot. After careful deliberation, I have become convinced that this war is unjust. This conviction cannot be easily dismissed. The U.S. Catholic bishops, the Holy Father, and the deliberative bodies of numerous Christian churches, including President Bush’s own church, have come to the same conclusion. An unjust war implicates all U.S. citizens in the commission of grave moral evil, moral evil because the cause is not just and grave because innocent human beings are being killed (on both sides!). As a Christian I must work to do good and avoid evil; and, as a citizen of this country, I have a duty to work to ensure that its conduct and policy are moral and contribute to securing its interests here and abroad. Thus, the fact that the bombs are falling only adds urgency to my duty to speak against the war. The framers of our constitution wisely guaranteed citizens the right to speak and assemble as means to address concerns and redress grievances. My failure to write, speak, and march against this war would constitute a dereliction of my duty as a citizen and a capitulation to forces and policies that I am convinced are destroying the moral integrity of our nation and its moral authority abroad. I treasure my country too much to let that happen in silence.Paul DanoveTheology and Religious StudiesUniversity speaks out against warTo the editors:We, the undersigned scholars of theology and religious studies at Villanova University, condemn the war against Iraq. We do this for various reasons. Some of us believe that this, like all wars, goes against the teachings of Jesus. Some of us consider that the attack on Iraq does not satisfy the criteria of just war as established by Augustine. Some of us oppose this naked exercise of force because we consider that as a weakened military power under intense international surveillance, Iraq has not constituted a danger to its neighbors, let alone to the United States. Finally, some of us oppose this war because, in addition to the reasons already given, we regard it as a transparent attempt to intimidate the entire world community.Gaile M. PohlhausGustavo BenavidesArthur Chappell, O.S.A.Walter ConnEdward Enright, O.S.A.Mark GrahamJudith HadleyTimothy HornerShams InatiThomas Martin, O.S.A.Suzanne TotonFayette VeverkaWilliam WerpehowskiGraffiti insensitiveTo the editors:I am writing to express my outrage at the recent ethnic slur that was written on the walls of the R5 tunnel this week.  The comments of this deranged vandal were hateful ones that show just how much irrational intolerance still exists in this world.The actions of one megalomaniacal dictator are no basis for judging an ethnic group; anyone who would do so is not even worthy to set foot on the campus of an institution of learning, let alone a place that holds values like love paramount.  Hating Arabs because of Saddam Hussein follows the same nonsensical logical as hating all white people because of Adolf Hitler.We as humans must unite against evil like the kind that recently appeared on our campus.  People like this vandal are impediments to a peaceful world.  Peace will never truly exist while there are still ignorant, judgmental, hateful people on the planet.John DawsonClass of 2003Girgenti misguidedTo the editors:Colin Girgenti’s “Unite against the violent” was a misguided article, and I would like to clarify some inconsistencies and false claims. He states, “Even if Hussein had gone into exile, there is no question that the United States would have gone to war.” Mr. Girgenti obviously has his facts mixed up. If Saddam Hussein did leave, we would have entered the country peacefully to help the Iraqis set up a democratic form of government: we would not have gone to war.Next, he states, “Since when have American values been about aggression and violence?” They haven’t, Mr. Girgenti! In addition to national security, our values are freedom, equality and justice, to name a few. That’s why we are seeking to rid Iraq of a dictator and his weapons of mass destruction and liberate the Iraqi people: hence the name Operation Iraqi Freedom.Girgenti later states that this war is about oil and “making a lot of CEOs very wealthy.” Not once has President Bush said this war is about oil: not even staunch democrats completely opposed to Bush have made that ludicrous argument. Bush advised the Iraqis in his speech last week that Iraq should preserve its oil fields because it is that country’s only source of an economy.It’s obvious that Girgenti does not like Bush or his politics. I respect his political opinions; however, I strongly disagree with using this time when our country needs to unite behind our men and women on the front lines as an opportunity to criticize our president and motivate people to “unite against the violence.” Regardless of anyone’s views, we are all on the same team, and our troops are in Iraq defending our security and fighting for our ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Let’s put the politics and petty criticisms aside and get behind our country and our men and women in battle. Ryan CostellaClass of 2004