Vigil sheds light on breast cancer

Sean L. Wright

The Center for Health and Wellness Education and Residence Life held a candlelight vigil on Wednesday to promote National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The vigil featured student and faculty speakers on issues concerning breast cancer awareness.

The ceremony supported breast cancer survivors and their loved ones, acknowledging their struggle and encouraging a continued search for a cure.

“Wednesday night was a special way to remember my mother and remember the strength that so many women with breast cancer have displayed,” junior Cathy Peterman, a speaker at the vigil, said. “I felt it was important for me to share my experiences with the Villanova community so that everyone becomes more aware that breast cancer is affecting so many people.”

The Quad was illuminated in pink, the color associated with Breast Cancer Awareness, with pink bulbs installed in some of the lamp posts and a line of luminaries. Students formed a human ribbon, standing in the shape of the cause’s signature symbol.

“I think it made people stop, look and think about this disease that affects so many people,” sophomore Kristin Dithmer, a member of the human ribbon, said.

Jennifer Flannelly, a graduate assistant of Health and Wellness Education, spoke on the significance of the vigil at the University. “I think it’s important to make students at Villanova aware of such issues that affect us like breast cancer,” Flannelly said.

In addition to the vigil, director of the Student Health Center Rebecca Bramen, and director of the Center for Health and Wellness Education Cathy Lovecchio, hosted Girl Talk, an informational session concerning women’s health issues.

The Center for Health and Wellness Education also provided booths in Bartley Hall handing out literature discussing a variety of health-related issues. In addition, the Center will be handing out free pink ribbons all week to help raise breast cancer awareness throughout campus.

Some of the organizations involved included Campus Ministry, the Villanova Singers and Voices, Villanova Experience Groups, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Estee Lauder.

Students interested in getting involved should visit the Center for Health and Wellness Education, located on the first floor of the Health Services Building, or the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation ( to learn more.