Louis XIV: royal rock

Samantha Thomas

Louis XIV is a retro-rock outfit out of the San Diego area with its hormones on overdrive. Named by Rolling Stone magazine as an artist to watch in 2005, their debut full-length album, “The Best Little Secrets Are Kept,” has a palpable male swagger. Some of their guitar riffs would not sound out of place on an old AC/DC or Aerosmith album, both melodic and driving.

The entire album is a fun ride, something uncommon in modern-day rock music. With sullen bands dominating the airwaves, singing in their nasal voices about how their parents were mean to them, it is refreshing to hear a band that is interested in one of early rock and roll’s main concerns: sex. Their first single, “Finding Out True Love is Blind,” is their catchy ode to the many types of girls they have been with during the years, including those with tight pants, smart girls with too many books and even those with self-esteem issues.

After sex, Britain seems to be a good topic. Upon first listen, one would naturally assume the band was from the U.K. due to lead singer Jason Hill’s accent and the fact that there is even a single titled “God Killed the Queen,” but sadly, the accent is fake. At least the band understands the basic elements of creating a good rock band, though, which are undoubtedly both having good fun and being from somewhere across the pond.

Is the album sexist? Yes. Would some find it offensive? Probably. But it is rock and roll and should be stood up for in that respect. Aging rockers who had their heydays in the ’70s would find this album a welcome addition to their collection.

Bottom line: catchy riffs, Mick Jagger-esque swagger, but would be more effective and respectable with more concealed innuendos and less blatant propositions.