Undergrad placement report published
September 1, 2005
Though statistics on the most recent graduating class are still being compiled, you might find it worthwhile to look through the Undergraduate Placement Report for the class of 2004, published by Career Services last spring.Within the neatly arranged forest of statistics, you’ll find such interesting details as an economics major from our College of Arts and Sciences will, on average, make $1,166 more than an economics major from our College of Commerce and Finance. On the national level, a Villanova arts and sciences graduate will make $6,566 more than the national average for arts and sciences graduates. Compare that with commerce and finance students making only $3,587 more than their peers across the nation.Of course, as far as actual job placement, the College of Commerce and Finance still prevails over Arts and Sciences. Of C&F students, 96 percent go on to full time jobs or graduate school (engineering students were also at 96 percent); compared with 92 percent of A&S students. Still, nothing can beat the College of Nursing, where 98 percent of students move on to full-time employment or graduate school.PricewaterhouseCoopers has a soft spot for Villanova students, with 32 members of the class of 2004 moving on to work at the prestigious firm. The U.S. Navy continues to be a haven for Villanova graduates, with 21 students going into naval service.Overall, 68 percent of graduates went on to full-time jobs, 25 percent to graduate school, 4 percent some combination of work and school, 1 percent still considering, and 2 percent with no offers.How did Villanova graduates get their jobs? One out of every four (25 percent) obtained a job through personal contacts – the infamous “I know somebody who works there.” Whether you consider that number high or low, consider this: one out of every five (21 percent) obtained a job through our very own Career Services Office. Compare that with 17 percent through internships and 12 percent through the web. CSO indeed has become a valuable tool for students, more effective than the traditionally popular internships and web searching.All of these statistics can be found in the 2004 Undergraduate Placement Report, available in the Career Services Office in Corr Hall. For the year 2004, please note that 85 percent of students responded to the job placement survey for graduates. Typical response to similar surveys at other institutions is 40 to 50 percent. Students were contacted at least three times between May 2004 and January 2005. Full placement statistics can be found at www.careers.villanova.edu.