Sit back and relax
September 28, 2006
It’s another lazy Saturday afternoon, you’re still recovering from last night and just can’t get motivated to write that paper due Monday morning.
What better way to procrastinate than with some shameless escapism by watching a movie with your friends? I love movies in all their glorious forms: dramas, comedies, cheesy chick flicks; name a genre, I’ve got a favorite. So instead of watching “Wedding Crashers” for the bizillionth time, next time take a chance on one of these great flicks:
“Heathers”: This is one of my absolute favorite movies from the 80s. This dark comedy satirizes the vicious social politics of high school cliques.
Think “Mean Girls” with shoulder pads and scrunchies. All is well until the most popular kids in school start dropping like flies thanks to mysterious “suicides.” The plot tends to border on outrageous, but I credit that to the decade in which it was produced. This high-school flick stars a pre-90210 Shannon Dougherty, a pre-sexual harassment arrest Christian Slater and a pre-shoplifting conviction Winona Ryder.
“Scotland, P.A.”: There is a long list of movies that are based upon the works of Shakespeare, but this comedic spin on “Macbeth” is like no version you’ve ever seen. Set in 1970s Pennsylvania, our Macbeth is a hard-working cook at a fast-food joint, rather than a devoted vassal to the King of Scotland. His wife convinces him to off his boss in order to take over the tacky little restaurant, and just like in the bard’s play, things take a serious turn for the worse. The three witches come in the form of a group of stoners led by Andy Dick, and Christopher Walken gives a typically off-beat performance as Officer MacDuff; their onscreen antics are reason enough to watch.
“The Virgin Suicides”: Before Sofia Coppola got all sorts of mainstream attention for her film “Lost in Translation,” she made her directorial debut with this independent film. Based on the bestselling novel by Jeffrey Eugenides, the plot centers around a group of teenage boys and the inexplicable fascination they have with their blonde neighbors, the Lisbon sisters. Follow the girls as they spiral from teenage beauties into depressed prisoners of their own home. Be warned, this is definitely not a “feel-good” kind of movie. I also highly recommend you listen to the score from this film, produced by Air.
“With Honors”: In this dramtic-comedy, Monty (Brendan Fraser), a Harvard student, nearly loses his senior thesis when his computer crashes, only to let his only hard copy fall into the hands of a homeless man on the way to the photocopiers. The bum, played by Joe Pesci, armed with the thesis strikes a deal with the desperate college student: for every day Monty provides him with food and shelter through the winter, he will return the thesis one page at a time. Of course, Monty ends up learning a whole lot more from the bum than he ever did during his years at Harvard. Although somewhat trite at times, the overall message of the movie is sincere. And for all you “Grey’s Anatomy” fans, Patrick Dempsey has a supporting role in this flick.
“That Thing You Do”: Tom Hanks wrote, directed and starred in this movie that follows the rapid rise to fame and the subsequent dissolution of a “one-hit wonder” rock group in the 1960s. The band, aptly called “The Wonders,” are a group of teenagers from Eerie, Pa., who somehow manage to ride the success of their catchy song, “That Thing You Do,” all the way from Eerie to Hollywood. This is definitely a light-hearted comedy that is as syrupy-sweet as the title song. Tom Hanks even wrote some of the songs that appear in the film.
“Mystery Science Theater 3000”: This is a movie version of an old Comedy Central show by the same name and concept: Mike Nelson has been exiled to a space station and forced to watch horrible science fiction movies everyday for the rest of his life. Along with his two best friends, who happen to be robots, he adds his own sarcastic running commentary to whatever film he happens to be watching. For the movie version, they watch “This Island Earth.”
“Labyrinth”: Say what you will, any movie that combines David Bowie and muppets is good in my book. ‘Nuff said.
Although Reel Divine may not carry all these titles, stop by the lower level of the Connelly Center to inquire.
If Reel Divine does not carry some of these titles, try an online rental service such as Netflix for a much broader selection to choose from.
If both of these fail (and you trust my opinion!), hop on the shuttle to King of Prussia mall on Friday and Saturday nights and purchase a copy of your own. Less-popular movies are not only some of the best, but are also cheap!