Fraternity awards three scholarships

Alma Aliaj

The Sigma Nu/Zeta Rho Alumni Association recently awarded a total of $1,100 to three active brothers at Villanova University. William

Bridges and Brian Gill, class of ’07, and Anthony

Albanese, class of ’08, were the recipients of the award.

“This scholarship honors love, honor and truth, the core values of the Sigma Nu fraternity,” Albanese said.

Sigma Nu is dedicated to supporting educational and

leadership program initiatives, and over the years, the brothers have

been dedicated to providing scholarships to support academic


The Alumni Association has been disbursing similar scholarship awards since the spring of 1987, and its selection process is multifaceted.

The award is based on academic standing, fraternal involvement, university involvement, a personal interview and a written application.

The application process is difficult, as candidates must appear in front of the Scholarship Fund Administration Committee and answer various questions about their commitments, its dedication to the fraternity and their visions for their future at the University.

“Sigma Nu is really a unique fraternity,” Albanese said. “Because

we’re founded upon the values of love, honor and truth, we are

opposed to hazing and other similar methods of recruitment.”

Sigma Nu uses an innovative new member education program called LEAD, which stands for leadership, ethics, achievement and development.

LEAD fosters friendship among the brothers and leadership in the fraternity.

Sigma Nu plans to award its next scholarship for the Fall 2007


By promoting education and encouraging leadership, Sigma Nu works to continue its tradition of helping young men better their lives and the lives of those around them.