EDITORIAL: Congratulations, Class of 2008

The University has grown a lot over the course of the past two semesters, and especially in the last few years. Villanova has finished construction on the Davis Center and is nearing completion on the law and nursing buildings.

The Campus Master Plan has laid out a road map of proposals that will dramatically alter the physical structure of the University.

The students have experienced their own change. Our campus has transformed from notoriously apathetic to politically charged in a matter of months as student political involvement has garnered the attention of presidential hopefuls and national media outlets.

Even the demographics of the student body have changed considerably. The number of applications the University receives is surging and acceptance rates are falling quickly, while SAT scores are noticeably rising. The University is also beginning to realize the benefits of its pursuit of improved cultural diversity.

While the University has been transforming minds and hearts over the past four years, Villanova has undoubtedly undergone transformations of its own.

Even though the changes can be attributed to many students, faculty and administrators, it is important to recognize the impact of the departing seniors on the University.

Members of the Class of ’08 have sacrificed countless hours to improve the University in innumerable ways. Some worked within SGA to reach out to students and appease their desire for a better basketball lottery system. Others worked with the newspapers, the TV station and radio station to engage students and provide them with University news and events.

Dozens of seniors represented the University on the courts, fields, fairways and in the pools to promote the athletic prowess of the University.

Even more seniors worked as a part of student and cultural groups to involve younger students in the community life of the University and gave them the opportunity to be active and make an impact.

Finally, every member of the Class of ’08 has contributed to the ascent of the reputation of this University, keeping it strong in the rankings and in the interest of high school students across the nation.

Four years ago as freshmen, these future leaders, whether they knew it or not, took it upon themselves to set the tone for the students that would come after them. Looking at where the University was and how far it has come in just four years, it looks like they did a fine job.