EDITORIAL: Thanks a million

Every graduating class is missed, but for The Villanovan, this is an especially tough year. Aside from dozens of writers, copy editors and photographers who will graduate, three of the most dedicated staff members that Dougherty 201 has ever seen will leave us for the real world.

Whether or not you like The Villanovan or agree with our coverage, we’d like you to help us recognize three individuals who put in more work than anyone will ever know. These people make this enterprise possible: Steve Buszka, Tom Celona and Sandro Roco.

Steve is unconditionally committed to The Villanovan. He represented the paper well as a figurehead as editor in chief last year and as a leader; he made sure that the paper was as professional as possible. The Villanovan was his favorite thing at Villanova; he demonstrated this through his hard work.

Tom would do anything for the paper and did, even until this last issue. He’s the easiest person to work with and, for that matter, a workhorse. He went far beyond his already-demanding job as copy desk chief to help every editor and section of the paper. He even cleaned the office, solidifying his role as the most selfless individual on staff. And somehow, Tom does everything with a smile and pleasant words for everyone.

Sandro set a new bar for the paper when he was co-editor in chief two years ago. He’s truly an innovative leader, one who was, for most of us, our first leader on the paper. He set the paper in a new direction, with better layout and story ideas than ever before. Sandro motivated us to always improve our work.

And so, we’ve decided to use this forum – our last words of the year – to thank Steve, Tom and Sandro. Good luck, guys, and thanks for everything.