Letters to the Editor
September 30, 2009
In agreement with amnesty
To the editor:
The basic question with the policy of medical amnesty is: What is more important, the safety or the punishment of students? If your answer is safety, then you’re probably a parent or student. If your answer is punishment, then you’re probably just a disciplinarian.
Obviously, we should not allow a student to continuously misbehave without punishment. One “get out of jail free card” is what is necessary.
Anyone who is in-touch with campus life knows that students are hesitant to get their friends medical attention for the fear of trouble. This should never be the case.
We need to step back and realize what is most important here – the safety of the students.
-Stuart Scott, junior
Newswire needs to go
To the editor:
I’m not usually one to complain, but there is something that has been bugging me lately. Everyday when I get around to checking my e-mail, I am not surprised to see the Wildcat Newswire in my inbox.
Because it’s so long, I skim through it, reading parts that I might be interested in.
I am usually looking for something new to get updated on, but I would say about 80 percent of the information in there is repeated for at least a week.
This is extremely annoying and pointless, because students are more likely to miss out on new updates that are stuck in between week-long announcements about adding the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences on Facebook and Lincoln as Commander in Chief (literally for over a month).
Moreover, as I was on myNOVA today, I realized that the Wildcat Newswire is fully printed on the first tab (Home) each day.
What then, may I ask, is the point of sending an e-mail for it each day? I am a senior and can’t believe I have actually read the Newswire basically everyday and that I have only decided to write about how it bothers me now.
There must be a better way to deal with the Newswire, whether students are allowed to unsubscribe to it, or new events that are just added to the Newswire get printed at the beginning of the e-mail, or if we completely do away with it as an e-mail and reference it exclusively in MyNOVA.
Something must be done, I can’t take this anymore.
-Kaitlin Tanner, senior
Aristocracy doesn’t hold true
To the editor:
First, I would like to state that I have been involved with the Orientation program; this year I was Student Chair. I am on the defensive and do not want to fool anyone.
Ms. Richards is absolutely correct that many of the same people are in leadership positions of the supposedly “high profile” organizations on campus. Quite frankly, it is one of the things that really frustrates me about Villanova. I’m very glad that someone was willing to speak up about it and bring it to the University community’s attention.
I also want to say that I missed my first Orientation interview and was surprised to find that I was accepted. I thought they made a mistake; I was not the leadership type. I have grown into my eventual positions.
Furthermore, I am not “clean-cut.” I lost my planner the first week of school, and have not seen a highlighter in years. Sure, some leaders fit the physical description in the article perfectly. But, some do not.
I know the Orientation leaders represent a pretty decent picture of Villanova. By no means is it complete, but we attempt to draw from as many niches on campus as possible. If we did not do that, we would not do a very good job at what we do… give new students a picture of what Villanova is. The other organizations also attempt to represent a broad range of the people on campus.
Ms. Richards, do you know these people well enough to label them “virtually uniform in character?” I know I do not. The people I do know have their own stories which are all wildly different from each other.
That is the part that I have really enjoyed about Villanova, getting to know different people and appreciating where they come from (geographically, culturally, etc.).
Minus the personal judgments and over-generalizations, this article is dead on.
Villanova absolutely does need to be more self-critical and we need to seek out those people that are not as high profile on campus. There are a lot of opinions on campus that only can make the university better and there must be concerted effort by Villanova as a community and as individuals to step out of our comfort zone and create a more complete and diverse university experience. Also, I hope people do not apply to certain organizations because they are high profile. Rather, find something that you love here, and do it well.
-Dave Ederer, senior