10 Random Questions for…Henry Wu



Caroline Foley

What do you do on a normal Tuesday night?

I’m probably watching Childish Gambino’s new show Atlanta. You should too.

If you had to replace your hands with objects already in your house,  what would you replace them with?

Lamps, to hit people who need to lighten up.

What’s the last thing you ate?

Double Chocolate Chip muffin from Holy Grounds. Love those things.

What’s your second biggest fear and why?

Laughing at a joke I don’t understand and having someone ask me to explain it. Hard to come back from that.

If you ran for president, who would be your VP?

Jay Wright. Someone who’s calm, cool and collected.

If you could have dinner with any President (dead or alive), who would it be and why?

That’s a tough one. I’d probably have to go with Al Gore.

What is your favorite four-legged creature?

Obviously a wildcat.

Do you throw bread to ducks?

I do not.

Create a 5 song shower playlist.

“Good Morning”-Kanye West

“No Problem”-Chance the Rapper

“Where the Party At”-Jagged Edge

“Ignition” (Remix)-R. Kelly

“Confession”-Florida Georgia Line

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Go an entire day without my phone. That’s actually not a bad idea, now that I think about it.