The Stars Have Spoken: Your Weekly Horoscopes

Elena Rouse, Co-Culture Editor

Aries: The creative side of your personality is shining through this week. Let yourself give into the part of you that has ideas, thinks big and wants to do something you haven’t before. Let that part of yourself take over, and you will accomplish something you thought you couldn’t.

Taurus: Dreams aren’t just for the unconscious nighttime. You are harboring a dream or a desire, and it is time to take matters into your own hands to make it happen. It might be difficult or different than what you’re used to, but finding out what you want and channeling your energy into it will give you the breakthrough you have been waiting for. 

Gemini: Your life has been quite the balancing act lately. Stop leaving so many loose ends untied or trying to take on more than you can chew. Your vivacious personality is one of your greatest qualities, but nothing that is spread that thin can ever really be that top-notch. Once you focus on yourself and what you need for yourself, everything else will fall into place.

Cancer: Sometimes, you don’t need to say anything and communication happens through the unspoken. However, this is not the time to give into that scenario. There is something going on in your life that is begging for you to take charge and to speak up. Keeping everything locked in might be easier, but it will only lead to confusion and frustration. 

 Leo: Leo, your constellation’s position signals to your professional side. That means your career, or schoolwork are ever present in your mind and heart. Let it be known that the signaling from the constellation also means that now is perfect for you to throw yourself completely into your work life. It will be just what you need to really find the clarity you seek about your professional choices. 

Virgo: There is a wave of exhaustion that keeps crashing over you. While it may seem as if the universe is beating you down, and you may be questioning just why you ended up in this position, think again. The universe is working with you, and this exhaustion shall pass soon enough. When it does, it will leave a clear path in its wake for your journey into the future.

Libra: You know that your ability to step back and process a situation and your feelings have saved you more than once. However, don’t expect that practice to work in every situation in life. This week, there will be an energy of support behind you, enabling you to take chances your ordinarily wouldn’t. Take the leap. 

Scorpio: Mystery, intrigue and adventure – these are all intensely enticing for you. Though you might feel like you have been missing a little bit of that in your life lately, know that the best forms of intrigue and mystery are the ones that take you by surprise. As long as you stay curious and engaged, the rest will fall into place in the most unlikely of places.


Sagittarius: The Sagittarius season is the time of year when people often rejoice and reconnect. Its imminent approach means that you have had a heavy awareness of time recently. Time passing and the times that may be approaching. Whether excited or apprehensive about it, know that although you may feel like time is something you never have enough of, what you do have will be pretty special.

Capricorn: Saturn’s position in the sky signals uneasiness. Whatever it is in your life, there is something that is making you feel like you have something to prove. When used in the right area, that can be a great motivator, but don’t let it seep into places it shouldn’t. If you do, you’ll harbor feelings of inferiority, which will only stop you from becoming a better version of yourself. 

Aquarius: You haven’t had time to breathe lately, let alone think about anything but your to-do list. Make sure you are still taking time to reach out to those you care about to check in on them. While it may seem like your schedule won’t permit it, you will feel rewarded and refreshed after the fact. 

Pisces: Pisces, let’s get right down to it and talk about love. Love is hitting you in many different ways this week. Maybe there is some heartache over love, someone showing up for you out of love, or a feeling inside about a certain someone that you just can’t get out of your head. Whether it is all of those areas or even one, you need to voice how the presence of that love makes you feel. It’s time to let the people know you care.