An Inside Look At Villanova’s Stall Street Journal

Courtesy of Office of Health Promotion Website
The Stall Street Journal is a part of The Office of Health Promotion.
March 16, 2022
Villanovans, both young and old, are more than familiar with The Stall Street Journal. The authors of The Stall Street Journal? Not so much. Fortunately for readers everywhere, junior Gracie Gentle revealed herself as a previous author. Gentle provided insight into what it really takes to perfect such a craft.
The Villanovan: Which Stall Street Journals did you write, and where did you draw your inspiration from?
Gracie Gentle: I wrote all the Stall Streets from October 2020 to August 2021. I definitely drew inspiration from different places, depending on whatever the topic was that month, but I wanted them to read like the magazines I used to read as a tween. I think the Stall Street is something everyone reads but doesn’t really talk about too much, so I wanted it to have that guilty pleasure kind of feel.
The Stall Streets could definitely be compared to a Teen Vogue magazine. Maybe next month’s edition will have a “Which Celebrity Bob Haircut Fits Your Personality?” quiz, or something along those lines. The student body population craves such clarity.
TV: What headspace does it take to be the author of the Stall Street Journal?
GG: For me, just being in the headspace of a college student trying to maneuver school and social life, along with keeping physical and mental health in mind was super important, as that was my target audience too.
The Stall Street Journal gives ample advice in a plethora of categories. There is no problem it cannot solve. Gentle’s journals featured advice on practicing gratitude and procrastination tips, two of her personal favorite pieces.
TV: How did you get to become the author?
GG: I just happened to be scrolling through the VU Newswire during lockdown and saw that the position opened and immediately applied. I know, sometimes that email is actually worth reading.
Who knew that actually reading mass emails could reap such bountiful fruits? Gentle is a prime example that reading one’s email can change one’s life. Just look at her now, an accomplished author.
TV: Do people ask for your autograph?
GG: People absolutely asked for my autograph. I only sign Stall Streets though, so don’t get any ideas.
Gentle takes great pride in her work and would be more than happy to sign autographs. However, she will only sign if you bring a small offering. She said that Holy Grounds would do. An iced caramel latte, to be specific.
TV: Do you miss living in a communal bathroom and having the pleasure of reading a new edition every month?
GG: I definitely enjoy having my own bathroom and the luxury of no longer wearing shoes in the shower, but I definitely enjoyed the opportunity to read the Stall Street in the public space, and knowing that the person in the stall next to me was doing the exact same thing. They do pass the Stall Street around the West buildings, and you know I tape that bad boy up on the wall.
The Stall Street Journal establishes a sense of community by uniting students through common troubles and tribulations that defies the boundaries of the communal bathroom. Those who have the pleasure of their own bathroom on West Campus, do not fret. Gentle takes it upon herself to make sure all students have the ability to read The Stall Street Journal.