University Launches COVID-19 Campus Dashboard


Courtesy of Villanova University

Screenshot shows tracking of COVID-19 cases on campus

Emily Cox, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Seven days into the fall semester, the University has published a dashboard online to track confirmed cases of COVID-19 on campus, as well as on-campus isolation and quarantine capacity. The dashboard will be updated daily by noon EDT. 

“Villanova University is committed to transparency as it communicates information pertaining to COVID-19,” the University webpage states. “The dashboard is a source of information for members of our community to remain updated on the most accurate COVID-19 data related to our campus.”

As of 12:00 p.m. on Monday, August 24, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 for residential students, non-residential students or employees. Three of the University’s 120 available beds are in use for quarantine purposes.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 or are identified as close contacts and live within 300 miles of the University will be sent home to isolate or quarantine as directed. If a member of the community tests positive for the coronavirus, he or she will be required to isolate for 10 days and monitor for symptoms as a designated isolation location. If a member of the community is determined to be a close contact of an individual, on or off campus, who tests positive, he or she will be required to quarantine for 14 days and monitor for symptoms at a designated location. 

The dashboard does not include testing and results completed prior to community members’ return to campus. All students and faculty were required to be tested for the coronavirus in the days leading up to move-in. Last week, University President Rev. Peter M. Donohue reported that of the 10,261 tests administered, there were only 42 positive cases, which equates to less than half of one percent. Those who tested positive were not able to return to campus until cleared by medical professionals.