College Graduates Vow To Raise $1 Million To Help End Rise in Unemployment

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For More Information, Contact: Christine 939-7110 (voice)[email protected]

College Graduates Vow To Raise $1 Million To Help End Rise in Unemployment

Philadelphia, Pa. – November 18, 2002 -A Million For Us, Inc., a non-profit organization created and run by Temple University Fox School graduates, vows to raise $1 Million by September 11th, 2003 to help college graduate entrepreneurs. It will launch its fundraising campaign on December 1st, 2002. This campaign, called the “Each One Give One DOLLAR DRIVE”, is its first of several campaigns to help meet their goal of $1 Million to be placed in an economic development fund created specifically for college graduates between the ages of 20 and 30.

“One out of every ten young adults between the ages of 20-24 are not working,” said Samantha Johnson-Foulk, co-chairperson and co-founder of A Million For Us, Inc. “Our goal is to ask one million people to give us $1 to help build an economic development fund. This fund will be used to help young entrepreneurs start their own businesses, and start their futures.”

After the Dollar Drive, the organization will hold a national business plan competition. Individuals and teams of college graduates will be asked to enter with their business plans, and a series of seasoned business development experts and entrepreneurs will judge the plans based of their innovative ideas, thorough planning and solid financial feasibility.

“We want to help college graduates all over this country who, because of the economy, are having a hard time finding work after graduation,” said Christine Forrest, Johnson-Foulk’s co-chairperson and partner. “We decided we had to do something to help, not just complain.” Forrest hopes that through this fund, new businesses will lead to new jobs around the country, and aid economically as well as give hope to young adults everywhere.

A Million For Us, Inc. is a non-profit organization, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pa, that is dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship as an alternative in career goals. Donations can be sent to 6366 Sherman St. Philadelphia, Pa 19144. Checks and Money Orders can be made out to A Million For Us, Inc. For more information about its cause, you can visit the web site at or call 215 939-7110.# # #