Alumnus Locator

[email protected]

Dear Gentleperson: Could you advise if there is any means whereby I could atempt to locate Robert Casey, a Villanova graduate in Chemistry.I can only guess at the date of graduation, which may have been around 1950 give or take a few years. Robert is my cousin, son of John F. Casey, my uncle. My name is Robert N. Casey, son of Nicholas W. Casey. I have been doing Genealogy Research on the Casey family and recently developed information Lt. John E. Casey,who was lost in WWII when the submarine Flier was lost Aug 13, 1944.Lt. Casey was Robert’s brother.

Any infromation regarding how I might get in contact with Robert Casey would be appreciated.I am aware of Privicy issues, so if my request could just be passed to him, he could make the descision should he wish to contact me. Robert N. Casey [email protected]