Email abuse

[email protected]

Dear Editors,

As we are all painfullly aware, any faculty or staff member may send e-mail to the entire student body by typing “[email protected]” as an e-mail address. Although this distribution list is important for school announcements and other critical information, it is over abused and unmonitored, and has become similar in nature to “spam”. Each day I receive many e-mails that do not pertain to me or my interests. Sometimes they are sent 3 or 4 times in a row! Sporting events, rallies (including non-school-sponsored events), intramural signups, and guest lectures are all advertised globally. None of these are so important that they must fill my mailbox. Instead, mailing lists should be set up pertaining to different events. That way students only receive the e-mails they want. Our university has the “” webpage, and that is where this information should reside. An events calendar could easily be incorporated as well.

Michael PironeGraduate StudiesClass of 2006