2/6/04 – Web game brings fame to alum

[email protected]

To the Editor and Staff –

I wish to thank all involved in the feature article “Web game brings fame to alum” appearing in the Friday, February 6, 2004 issue of The Villanovan.

I will email the writer, Raynor Denitzio, personally to also extend my thanks, but I want to let the entire staff know that I thoroughly enjoyed my telephone interview with him, and was very impressed with the article he wrote as a result. It is my understanding that he is relatively new to the paper. It would not surprise me that when the time comes and the slots open, as others move on, Raynor will be one of the paper’s leaders.

It is my wish to post this fine article on my author web site with the appropriate copyright and byline acknowledgments. I trust that this will be permissible. I will send the paper the URL for the page so you may see it when it has been completed.

Troy Krause