students look their best

[email protected]

Good Morning:

My name is William Baldwin and I would like to take a moment to notify the many of you that have entrusted me with your image. Many of you came to me at Jude Plum Co. Salon and spa in Rosemont Square. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had no choice but to resign my position with them. I am happy to tell you that I am now working at John Andrews salon and spa in Wayne. It is about 6 minutes west of Villa Nova University, off Lancaster. Their address is 27 West Avenue and I got to tell you that this salon is the bomb! I have no way of contacting all of you students that have come to me for your hair services, so I am trying to do so via. this webpage. If you would like to contact me for appointments, the salon number is 610-688-6811. I really wish all of your graduating class all the best! By the way, John Andrews salon also offers student discounts! Warmest regards; William Baldwin