Ssxy Score4thePlanet and the “less-ssxy” Earth Accord pledges for EarthDay and beyond

[email protected]

Hello Villanovan Editor,Here are the press releases for the ssxy Score4thePlanet and the “less-ssxy” Earth Accord pledges for EarthDay and beyond. We hope you cover at least one of these important enviro actions! Feel free to call me at 303.818.5199. Many Thanks, Stele E. ElyWWW.SCORE4THEPLANET.ORG WWW.EARTHACCORD.ORG~~~~~~~~~~

A SSXY PLEDGE FOR EARTHDAY AND BEYONDSCORE 4 THE PLANET ON EARTHDAY AND IN BED (headlines)(Editor can substitute e for s in ssx if wanted.)

Score4thePlanet is a ssxy EarthDay action that asks lovers worldwide to pledge 4% or more of their time* and/or income back to our planet via the dimensions of Tribe, Arte, Logic and Passion – in return for the best ssx possible.

To participate in Score4thePlanet, individuals are asked to print-out, sign and post the four Score4thePlanet environmental goals at home and/or at work. Once they have met their goals, signers are invited to “enjoy the reward of some sweet, deep ssx with another consenting adult, or on their own”.

Plus, those who meet their monthly environmental goals can receive steamy SpecieEros thank-yous “from various life-forms of our planet”, or sizzling FutureEros thank-yous “from the adults of tomorrow”.

According to Score4thePlanet, “Making love on an Earth that has silkier air, crystalline water and cleaner dirt because of your environmental actions can be huge turn-on. Plus, environmental life-style choices help reduce pollutants that can make great ssx impossible due to the spectrum of physiological influences they can have on us – including hormone imbalance.”

The four Score4thePlanet goals state:TRIBE = My goal is to give 1% or more of my time* and/or net income** to non-profit environmental organizations, “tribes” and groups to protect the earth – and to earn sweet nookie-snooksie^ time. [1%=1.5 hours]

ARTE = My goal is to give 1% or more of my time* to artfully communicate and create art to inform others on ecological issues, actions and choices – and to earn steamy o-yes-yessss^ time.

LOGIC = My goal is to make 1% or more of my purchases and lifestyle choices using logic and science to help pick the best options for the earth – and to earn yummy gasm-fazasm^ time.

PASSION = My goal is to give 1% or more of my time to passionately study, celebrate and give my love to our precious earth and its life-forms – and earn hot whoopie-woo^ time in return.

*1% of a person’s time equals 1.5 hours based on a national average work-month of 150 hours. Therefore, 1.5 hours of environmental action earns 1.5 hours of sex action. [4%=6hrs] A donation of 1% of a person’s net income to a non-profit environmental organization also earns a person 1.5 hours of ssx.

Score4thePlanet also says, “If the life-forms of our planet, and the adults of the future could thank us – and kiss us all over – for our environmental actions that help protect their homes and their lives, they certainly would.”

“Therefore, the SpecieEros and FutureEros writers, artists and musicians compose the ssxy thank-yous from the perspective of these species and future peoples to give to those who are helping protect our Earth with their day-to-day actions. The composers use their knowledge, intuition, and wit to compose these thank-yous.”

Participants are invited to join the Score4thePlanet online forum to receive the thank-yous, to “connect” with other Score4thePlanet signers and qualify for prizes.

Score4thePlanet’s target is to get 444,444 lovers of the planet to post their Score4thePlanet Tribe, Art, Logic and Passion goals in public by 2008.

For more info go to and the “less-ssxy”


Earth Accord is an exciting EarthDay action that asks lovers of the planet to pledge 4% or more of their time* and/or income back to our planet via the dimensions of Team, Art, Science and Love. Signers are asked to print-out, sign and post the four Earth Accord environmental goals at home and/or at work.

Those who meet their monthly goals are rewarded with SpecieSpeak thank-yous “from various life-forms of our planet”, or FutureKiss thank-yous “from people in the future” for helping our planet – in the form of messages, art or song.

The four Earth Accord goals state:TEAM = MY GOAL IS TO GIVE 1% OR MORE OF MY TIME* AND/OR NET INCOME* TO NON-PROFIT ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS AND TEAMS THAT PROTECT THE EARTH.+ Joining other people in local and national enviro Teams and organizations is a powerful way to leverage one’s eco actions and talents. + Eco Teams can also be a lot of fun, are good support systems and are a superb way make a global change.

ART = MY GOAL IS TO GIVE 1% OR MORE OF MY TIME* TO ARTFULLY COMMUNICATE AND MAKE ART TO INFORM OTHERS ON ECOLOGICAL ISSUES, ACTIONS AND CHOICES.+ As lovers of the planet, it is vital that we each tap into our talents, Art, wit and heart to power-up our personal communications, grassroots media and circle-of-influence. + Eco Arts include spoken word, writing, fine art, songs, video and multi-media.

SCIENCE = MY GOAL IS TO MAKE 1% OR MORE OF MY PURCHASES AND LIFESTYLE CHOICES USING SCIENCE AND ECOLOGY TO HELP PICK THE BEST OPTIONS FOR THE EARTH.+ Using Science and logic to make decisions is an amazing journey into how our actions can help or hurt life-forms and people worldwide. + Eco Science is important at home, play and work when choosing products, services and transportation.

LOVE = MY GOAL IS TO GIVE 1% OR MORE OF MY TIME TO STUDY, CELEBRATE AND SEND LOVE TO OUR PRECIOUS EARTH AND ALL OF ITS LIFE-FORMS THAT LOVE TO LIVE.+ Time in nature, life-science studies and nature literature are good ways to connect with and honor our planet. + Celebrations, songs and dances for the Earth, as well as quiet contemplation are also great ways to give Love to the web-of-life.

*1% of a person’s time equals 1.5 hours based on a national average work-month of 150 hours. [4%=6hrs] A person’s monthly dollar contribution divided by their monthly net income equals their monetary contribution percentage.

The Earth Accord website says, “If the life-forms of our planet, and the peoples of the future could thank us – and even kiss us – for our environmental actions that help protect their homes and their lives, they certainly would.”

“Therefore, the SpecieSpeak and FutureKiss writers, artists and musicians compose the thank-yous from the perspective of these species and future peoples to give to those who are helping protect our Earth with their day-to-day actions. The composers use their knowledge, intuition, and wit to compose these thank-yous.”

Participants are invited to join the Earth Accord online forum to receive the thank-yous, to network with other Earth Accord signers and qualify for prizes.

The Earth Accord’s target is to get 444,444 lovers of the planet to post their four Earth Accord goals in public by 2008.

For more info and to print the Earth Accord go to

Stele E. Ely3455 Stanford Ave., Boulder, CO 80305 [email protected]