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The Villanovan


Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Hosts Family-Friendly Halloween Party on Campus

Emily Cox Co News Editor October 29, 2019

Nothing seems to scare the University’s administration more than Greek Life. The combination of fraternity brothers and sorority sisters usually spooks the school, but luckily this Halloween season,...

Mordini: Not some sappy farewell column

Jessie Markovetz April 21, 2004

STUDENT ADDRESS TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2004:(SPONSOR'S NOTE: Today's column is brought to you by the letters D and J and the number 7.)Students, parents, faculty, homicidal sharpshooters who have donated...

Mordini: Pretend girlfriends no stranger to shame

Jessie Markovetz April 14, 2004

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day, and somehow the subject turned to this column. Specifically, she wanted to know when I was going to write about Residence Life's freshman visitation policy."Why...

Mordini: Unseating the gift of park benches

Jessie Markovetz April 1, 2004

The other night, I was on duty in my room when the phone rang. It was a freshman calling to ask if I was familiar with an insidious entity calling itself the Villanova Annual Fund, the sole function of...

Mordini: If you’ve got the dollars, pop the collars

Jessie Markovetz March 25, 2004

TODAY'S TOPIC IS: Guys' Clothes That Cost More Than Your Electric Bill.The fact that Villanovans rank among the most fashion-conscious types in the country is neither new nor news to anyone, not even the...

Mordini: Another ‘desperate’ attempt at humor

Jessie Markovetz March 11, 2004

NOTE TO READERS (especially the ones who write whiny letters about how this column is "a desperate attempt at sarcasm and humor"): Please skip this column and go read a sunshine-and-rainbows, soul-free...

Mordini: Where are they now presents The VU Times

Jessie Markovetz February 19, 2004

It was recently brought to my attention that the health center is no longer going to dispense salt as a means of medical aid, as personnel will now be substituting the popular condiment with actual medicine...

Mordini: Taking heart on Valentine’s Day

Jessie Markovetz February 12, 2004

Ahh, Valentine's Day. No other invention, not even the pet rock, has matched this holiday in terms of its pointlessness and profitability. Year after year, usually starting the day after Christmas, card...

Mordini: You’re an English major? Go fish

Jessie Markovetz February 5, 2004

Call me Ishmael.Wait, don't. That's the kind of nickname that might stick, like George "W." Bush or Brad "Arm" Pitt.Nonetheless, that sentence about Ishmael, which opens a famous tale about fishing - "The...

Mordini: Due credit given to the Garden State

Jessie Markovetz January 29, 2004

On the way to class last week, a friend of mine told me he'd heard this great joke about New Jersey that he had to tell me. "It was in Playboy, so you know it's good," were his exact words.Long story short,...

Mordini: Crash-landing for new reality TV show

Jessie Markovetz January 15, 2004

Writing a column that's supposed to inject a little humor into the everyday drudgery of life can be quite a challenge. Sometimes it's difficult to think up something universally appealing, a gem of wit...

Mordini: Holiday guide for guys: what to purchase

Jessie Markovetz December 4, 2003

ATTENTION GUYS: The King of Prussia Mall is bedecked with trees and various ornaments, and Santa Claus is in the Plaza greeting greedy young children looking for free gifts. In other words, the back-to-school...

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