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The Villanovan


Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Hosts Family-Friendly Halloween Party on Campus

Emily Cox Co News Editor October 29, 2019

Nothing seems to scare the University’s administration more than Greek Life. The combination of fraternity brothers and sorority sisters usually spooks the school, but luckily this Halloween season,...

Voth: Stupidity, the next tobacco

Adam Oliphant February 6, 2003

You know what I'm tired of? Stupid people, people who don't take responsibility for their own actions, people who try and push off everything that has gone wrong for them onto someone else. Let's start...

Voth: Integrity over dishonesty

Adam Oliphant December 5, 2002

As a student - and I'm sure you can relate - finding a worthy paper topic to satisfy the ravenous faculty is sometimes the hardest part of our job. Not just finding a topic, but finding one that interests...

Voth: Take that and smoke it

Adam Oliphant November 4, 2002

Did I ever tell you about the time I set myself on fire? It was a dark and stormy night in New Orleans, and I was in a bar drinking with a few friends. I was holding a cigarette for one of them while he...

Voth: Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em

Adam Oliphant September 20, 2002

After the overwhelming success of my last article (only one person came out and admitted they didn't like it), I've decided to do somewhat of a follow up, this time not so much about relationships, but...

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