Students Share End of Year Sentiments and Summer Plans

Gabi Frank/Villanovan Photography

Students have enjoyed spring weather ahead of finals and the end of the semester as they prepare for summer break.

Lauren Armstrong, Staff Writer

It is hard to believe that yet another academic year has come to an end, and students at Villanova are beginning to pack their bags and say their goodbyes, longing for the warm summer days again, yet secretly counting down the days until coming back to campus in August. While the campus may be emptying out for the summer, ‘Nova students are staying just as busy with their summer plans and starting to prepare for their final exams. 

Students such as junior Bella Lentini will be “studying abroad in Florence for the first half” of the summer.

“[I will] most likely be working as an assistant teacher in a special needs class like I did last summer,” Lentini said. “There aren’t really many internships for what I want to do [speech pathology], so this experience is good.” 

Villanova hosts a variety of summer study abroad programs, the most popular ranging from 10 weeks abroad in Ireland to the joint, 10-week internship and class study abroad at the London School of Economics. 

 “[I am] excited for [my] classes abroad,” junior Katelyn Dougherty said. “The one is taught by a Villanova professor arranging the trip abroad and the other is at the London School of economics and should be a fun experience.”

In addition to studying abroad, a large number of students will be participating in internships this summer. Sophomore Jane Maleady shared that she will be interning in investment banking. Maleady is very excited to be working in New York City this summer and is “super excited to gain exposure within the industry.” Junior Megan Moore will be interning and “teaching at a summer school as part of a student teaching program.” Moore is also excited to have the summer to “destress and enjoy time with [her] hometown family and friends.” Freshman Emma Thomas is excited for her summer plans, which include “[attending a] Taylor Swift concert [and] shadowing in the Pediatric emergency department.”

While the countdown to summer is gaining the attention of all the returning students, for the Class of 2023, graduation is on the horizon. Senior Shannon Kauber is a political science and communications double major with concentrations in media production and journalism and a minor in computer science. Kauber is excited for her post-graduation position. 

 “[I will be working] in corporate communications for Weber Shandwick, a public relations agency, in Manhattan following graduation,” Kauber said. She shared that she also is looking forward to traveling with her friends and family after graduation. 

While the anticipation of summer has begun, there can not be summer vacation without finals. To help prepare for these exams, fellow students were eager and willing to share some of their favorite study tricks with the rest of the Villanova community. 

“I wish that I knew my studying style, take time to figure out how you learn best,” sophomore Kayla MacKinnon said. “Whether it be with another person, rewriting notes, teaching someone else or flash cards, find out how you learn best and use it to your advantage. That, and sleep. Sleep eight hours and eat healthy food, and drink water.” 

“It is crucial to remember that while this is a stressful time balancing final exams, papers, and projects, in addition to packing up and saying goodbye to your friends, hallmates, roommates and dorm it is also important to ensure you are taking care of your body and self,” freshman Betty Dorsey said. “It is okay to be stressed, but when that stress is taking over your well being, that is when it is time to step back and reapproach the situation.”

Lentini is “feeling okay” about her exams coming up. 

“Stress is definitely building but I feel like it’s better this semester than in the past,” she said. “I’m trying to start my essays now so that I’m not swamped then. [I believe in] starting things early. You don’t want to be writing your essays when you need to study for an actual test.  Also go for walks outside or exercise if you like, that helps me destress.” 

It is sad to see another year come and go, but the accomplishments of Villanova students do not go without recognition. The hard work put in throughout the past 10 months has been incredible, thus leading to a much deserved summer break. While as a community Villanova is sad to see the Class of 2023 leave, without a doubt there are the other Villanovans extremely proud of this graduating class, and cannot wait to see all they accomplish. Villanova is also eager to welcome the Class of 2027 to campus starting August 19th, and the rest of the returning Villanova community for the first day of classes on Wednesday, August 23rd. Have an amazing summer, Villanovans. We deserve it.