Villanova Student Government Association Election Results

Brian Luppy/ Villanovan Photography

Thomas Dessoye and Dean Millard, the new SGA president and vice-president.

Lauren Armstrong, Staff Writer

The Villanova Student Government Association is an on-campus organization geared towards promoting student leadership and involvement on campus, as students’ peers elect them to fulfill the duties assigned to them throughout the year. On March 31st, the election winners for the 2023-2024 school year were announced. 

The candidates who ran for the 2023-2024 student body president and vice president were Lauren Amoo and Tiane Parris, Thomas Dessoye and Dean Millard and Billy Minnig and Gia Karavangelas. This year’s President and Vice President of the Student Government Association are junior Dessoye and sophomore Millard. Dessoye and Millard have both been members of the Student Government Association throughout each of their times here at Villanova. 

During Dessoye’s time on SGA, he has served as the student body vice president for the 2022-23 school year, where he helped increase student wages to $10 per hour. He has advocated for and successfully passed the Students with Disabilities Resolution, which calls for a more accessible campus for those with disabilities, and has helped to write and pass the Divestment from Fossil Fuels Resolution, calling for the university to divest in fossil fuel companies. 

With similar pursuits, Millard has served as Class of 2025 Senator, where he has advocated for more water bottle filling stations on campus, assisted in passing the Transparency Act which calls for more transparency between the student government and their fellow Villanova peers and fought to bring comeback sauces to PIT, Belle Air Terrace and Cafe Nova.

Outside of these accomplishments, Dessoye and Millard are looking forward to further serving the University and their peers this upcoming academic school year. 

“To be elected by the student body at Villanova is truly an honor and a privilege,” Dessoye and Millard said in a statement. “We are excited to try to push for projects and initiatives that will enhance the well being of all students regardless of their background, year, and identity. Some of these objectives include raising the student employee minimum wage to $12 per hour, implementing an excused absence policy for mental health, and advocating for a more sustainable university.”

 Their peers are equally as excited to see what Dessoye and Millard will be able to accomplish on campus this upcoming school year. 

“As a freshman, I was excited to come to Villanova, and learn everything about campus,” freshman Betty Dorsey said. “I am thrilled to see passionate student leaders who are thrilled to be elected and make a difference here at ‘Nova. I’m eager to see how they do in this position, and I am sure that they will do a great job.” 

Villanova students also elected peers into the senatorial seats to help Dessoye and Millard accomplish the goals set upon the 2023-24 academic year. The Class of 2024 Senator is Preston Munoz. The Class of 2025 Senators are Kentron “Tron” White, Tyler Moore and Brian Messalti. The Class of 2026 Senators are Gigi Giuliano, Vasu Raval and Majo James. The Villanova School of Business Senator is Aleko Zeppos, the Arts Senators are Gavin Crozier and Isabelle Furguson, the Engineering Senator is Andrew Kline and the Nursing Senator is Alanna Wilderotter. Each of these students is eager to assist in making Villanova a more inclusive, accessible and positive University. 

“I am really excited to see what this year’s president, vice president, and senators accomplish on campus,” freshman Kara McGoldrick said. “This is an amazing group of individuals who are all grouped together under the common goal of helping Villanova grow to the best of its abilities, and I am eager to see the changes and adjustments they make on campus this upcoming academic year.” 

The Villanova Student Government Association is excited to have these individuals as its main student leaders this upcoming academic year, yet SGA is for anyone to become involved in. There are a multitude of ways to become involved in the executive, legislative and judicial branches, and SGA urges students to do so if there are ideas that they have to better Villanova.