Season of Change at Villanova

Ryan Sarbello/Villanovan Photography

Although change can be nerve-racking, it is important to maintain a positive outlook.

Isabella Ledet, Staff Writer

The semester is over halfway done, which feels unbelievable. At the midpoint of last semester, I offered advice for getting through the mid-semester slump. This semester, I want to talk about change.

At the risk of sounding horribly cliche, I want to remind everyone that the one constant in life is change. Since the start of the spring semester, things have been changing; even small things, like how Cova added several new delicious foods to their lineup. 

The food situation on campus has certainly seen some welcome improvements this semester. The return of reusable kitchenware has also sparked hope that perhaps we are actually living in a post-pandemic world.

More recently, the weather has started to warm up. Although there has been a lot of rain, the birds are chirping and the trees have buds. Winter is being shaken off so spring can begin to emerge. The clocks have changed, so it is darker in the mornings, but lighter in the evenings. I love that 6 p.m. no longer feels like the middle of the night. It makes me feel like summer is really coming soon, which feels exciting and a little crazy all at the same time.

More changes are just on the horizon, too. SGA elections, club executive board turnovers and even graduation are all within our sights. And after those things take place, the beginning of the semester will feel like a lifetime ago. While that might seem scary, I do not think it actually is. Change is a part of life. Without it, we would be bored out of our minds.

The best thing we can do is to enjoy every moment. There is no sense in wasting time worrying about how things are changing or trying to reason with the change that is occurring. Change is going to happen, whether we like it or not.

I was feeling a bit down a few weeks ago, and one of my friends gave me some excellent advice: “Let the sad things go, appreciate the good times and know that even better ones are still to come.”

With all of the changes around campus and in our lives, good and bad, it is important to not get lost in the shuffle.

When good things happen, embrace them. Enjoy the wonderful moments even if they are not perfect. Nothing is perfect, and it would be a shame to waste the great moments worrying about how they could have been. 

When bad things happen, know that good things are just around the corner. Bad things eventually resolve themselves, even if it feels at times like that is not true. Trust the process.

Despite all the recent changes, one thing remains constant: we are all here at Villanova doing the best that we can to learn and live. We have the community here to support us. So, even when there are days when nothing feels the same as it always has been, we have each other to get through.

Take a moment to connect with that friend that you have not seen in a while. Look up from the brick paths and notice the flowers and the buds on the trees. Take a moment to reflect on how great the college experience is. And, remember, change is the one constant in our lives.