Wagner/Dormish ticket wins SGA presidency



Thomas Celona

Juniors Bryan Wagner and Robert Dormish won the positions of SGA president and vice president, respectively, for the ’08-’09 academic year, according to an announcement made today.

“It was a great election,” Wagner said. “We’re excited for next year with SGA.”

The ticket of Wagner and Dormish claimed 75 percent of the vote, while the opposing ticket of sophomores Joseph Venuto and Matthew Cornish received 25 percent of the vote. A total of 2,154 students voted.

The election results were announced today at 12:30 p.m. at the Oreo by members of SGA.

The results for the elections for the University Senate were also announced.

Ryan Conway, Kelly Maguire and Tahir Quadeer will be the three VSB senators for the coming academic year, while Lauren Glozzy, Latishia James and Walter Smith-Randolph will be the three arts senators.

Additionally, Obinna Eboh won the position of engineering senator, Nicole Harmuth won the position of sciences senator and Anna Menard won the position of nursing senator. All three ran unopposed.

This will be the second term for Senators Maguire and Smith-Randolph and the third term for Senator Menard.

Voting took place online and began at noon yesterday. Polls closed at noon today.

For complete election coverage, see the April 10 issue of The Villanovan.