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The Villanovan


Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Hosts Family-Friendly Halloween Party on Campus

Emily Cox Co News Editor October 29, 2019

Nothing seems to scare the University’s administration more than Greek Life. The combination of fraternity brothers and sorority sisters usually spooks the school, but luckily this Halloween season,...

Tales of a tattooed generation: Tips for tasteful tattooing

Courtney Starbuck April 24, 2003

Many people get tattoos on a whim, but before you do, there are several things you may want to consider before adding a permanent feature to your body. These are some steps to take when getting a tattoo.So...

Tales of a tattooed generation

Courtney Starbuck April 10, 2003

Part II: The Art of TattooingLast week, we ventured through the history of tattoos, as well as some of the reasons why people get them. This is a look at the actual process -- the art of tattooing.Most...

Tales of a tattooed generation

Courtney Starbuck April 3, 2003

Part I: Brief History of TattoosTattoos are fascinating. Love them or hate them, tattoos have been around for thousands of years and will undoubtedly enamor mankind for the rest of its existence. Throughout...

Experience a day in the life of a Y100 intern

Courtney Starbuck March 27, 2003

While most people probably have an idea of where they would like to intern, I more or less stumbled upon mine. I was beginning to feel the crunch of planning for my spring semester of senior year. I quickly...

A taste of Philly Salsa

Courtney Starbuck September 26, 2002

Salsa is spice. Salsa is a hot summer night. Salsa is an intoxicating rumble of congas, maracas and horns. It is flowing skirts and strappy shoes gliding over a dance floor. It is sexy; it is passionate....

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