Who says students need Spring Break getaways to get closer with their friends? Even if one is not going away with other Villanovans for the break, there are plenty of ways to stay connected with friends, even from afar.
Download Superfan: The app Superfan connects to your Spotify account and tracks your most listened to songs, artists and albums every week. The data is used to curate your “Vibe of the Week” which can range anywhere from funny to a direct call-out. The key feature of the app is being able to join and create groups with friends and family. Every Friday afternoon, the data resets, and you can view who listened to the most music. It hands out awards as well, such as “most mainstream” and “oldest soul.” You also get the opportunity to see everyone else’s vibes, top artists, songs and albums. This is a great way to stay connected with friends and see what they have been listening to.
Connect on Goodreads: Similar to Superfan, Goodreads is a great way to stay connected with friends through literature. If you are like me, Spring Break may be when you choose to catch up on reading for fun instead of for class. Are your friends into classics or romantic books? How many novels can they read in just one week? By following different people on the app, you can share book recommendations and ratings to inspire your next trip to Barnes and Noble.
GamePigeon games: There is nothing as classic as sending someone a game of 8 Ball or Darts with no other context. GamePigeon games are a fun and low energy way to stay in touch with people, no matter the physical distance between you. Just be careful, as sometimes these games bring out a competitive side in someone you may not have seen before.
Vlogging: Now, this may seem daunting or like I am encouraging you to create a YouTube channel for the entire public. No. I mean just picking up your phone and taking a short video about your week to send to your group chats or to post on your private story. Vlogging your day is a fun and easy way to keep your friends updated on the little and big things that have happened over the week.
Photo dumps: Similar to vlogging, one of my favorite ways to stay in touch with friends is by sending photos throughout my day or week. With or without context, it is exciting seeing what brings your friends joy and to share what makes you smile throughout your day. Asking follow-up questions is a great way to gain insight into these experiences and help you to see the lives your friends live outside the Villanova bubble.
Schedule FaceTime calls: While going home and seeing old friends and family is nice, it can feel out of habit not being able to walk down the hallway to knock on a friend’s door and talk about anything and everything. Therefore, I am a big fan of scheduling times throughout break to call and catch up. Even if just for 20 minutes, it is good to stay in the loop.
Good old fashioned snail-mail: There is nothing I love more than the feeling of getting a piece of letter mail. Whether it be a witty card or just a folded piece of notebook paper, handwritten messages are both personal and thoughtful. Before leaving for break, take note of your closest friends’ addresses. A midweek pick-me-up in the form of a letter is guaranteed to make anyone’s break better.
While it may seem like everyone is planning big trips or going somewhere new with friends, finding ways to tie your Villanova friends into your at-home life is a way to deepen your relationships, no matter how you go about it. So pick up the phone, write a letter or stalk your friends on Superfan and Goodreads. Keeping the conversation going will make it feel like no time has passed once everyone is back on campus after break.