New hit-filled Taylor Swift record delights fans

Brittany Doyle

Once again Taylor Swift has wow-ed the world with her sweet lyrics and equally sweet voice. This time, however, she’s got more than teenage love stories to sing about.

Several celebrity references are made in Swift’s new album, “Speak Now,” including shout outs to the man who interrupted her acceptance speech at last year’s VMAs, Kanye West, and her ex, Taylor Lautner.

The album provides insight into her complicated love life and her experiences in the celebrity spotlight.

The album’s most talked about song is “Dear John,” a ballad about innocence and betrayal. Speculation around the song seems to agree that it is written about John Mayer, with whom she sang the duet, “Half of My Heart.”

Joe Jonas pops up again as well (previously referred to in the song “Forever and Always,” after breaking up with Swift via a 27-second long phone call), although this time the harsh words are directed at the girl who allegedly stole him from her, Camilla Belle, in “Better Than Revenge.”

“Back to December” tells of the regret she feels for breaking up with Taylor Lautner and expresses how she wishes she could change the way things turned out.

The song is a classic Taylor Swift love song and is definitely a noteworthy track.

The album’s title track, “Speak Now,” is a completely new sound for Swift, emulating an indie feel, straying from her country roots.

However, her country twang is more evident than ever in the song “Mean,” a shout out to her critics saying, “You have pointed out my flaws again/ as if I don’t already see them.”

It is clear in this album that Swift is very sensitive to people’s opinions of her.

She makes several references to wishing she had never grown up, including a line in the song appropriately titled, “Never Grow Up,” singing, “Wish I’d never grown up/ it could still be simple.”

The song “Innocent,” which Swift sang to Kanye West at this year’s VMA’s, signifies that she has forgiven him for his rude interruption last year.

Swift sings, “Who you are is not what you did/ you’re still an innocent.”

Although the forgiveness is a little overkill, the song is another Taylor Swift hit.

Despite the abundance of celebrity references and woes of stardom, several songs stay true to the former small town Taylor Swift.

“Enchanted,” “Long Live,” “Haunted” and “Mine,” the album’s hit single, resemble the star’s earlier works.

These songs seem to be the standout tracks on the album as well, as they are carefree and devoid of celebrity drama.

The album is varied and catchy, and even the biggest country music haters can find something worth putting on repeat from this album.

The album launched on Oct. 25. and is available online on iTunes and Amazon.