1. Describe your semester abroad in Ireland with one word? Craic. 2. Would you rather be a Powerpoint Presentation or an Excel Spreadsheet? I’d rather be an Excel spreadsheet-they are so useful and powerful. You can analyze huge amounts of data and present it with all kinds of tables, charts and graphs. PowerPoint is just a way to allow bad teachers to become less effective at conveying information if used incorrectly. 3. If you could rename the Oreo what would you name it? The Mint Milano. 4. New T Swift or old T Swift? Old Taylor, the way she “Fearless”ly broke onto the scene when she was barely “Fifteen.” She was an instant “Superstar,” “Untouchable” on the charts. It was “The Best Day” when her first album released. Although her music has gone through quite the “Change,” luckily she has managed to “Stay Beautiful.” Old Taylor will “Forever and Always” hold a special place in my “Perfectly Good Heart.” 5. What is the weirdest talent you have? I can touch my left ear with my left hand by reaching up and over my head, down and back around my chin. 6. Would you rather wake up tomorrow as Jay Wright for the day, or have the voice of Father Peter for the rest of your life? I would rather have the voice of Father Peter for the rest of my life. Have you heard the man speak? It’s captivating. It magically mixes a soft silky delivery with just enough throatiness that combines for a richness not often heard. It is perfect for radio, public speaking or even casual conversation. When Father Peter speaks, people listen. I wouldn’t mind having that voice. 7. Ear piercing or nose ring? Neither. Next. 8. If you were born a girl, what would you have wanted your name to be? Liesel, it’s just an awesome German name. Who can say after watching “The Sound of Music” that they didn’t love the name Liesel? Also, when I went to check my spelling on it today, I found out it’s short for Elizabeth, which is my sister’s middle name…so that’s cool. 9. Favorite song in ninth grade? “Picture to Burn” by Taylor Swift. With two T-Swizzle mentions, it might be obvious that I am a huge fan at this point. This was early Taylor, and with her previous singles being “Tim McGraw,” “Teardrops on my Guitar” and “Our Song,” Taylor had to show the world she had a tough side too. Well she BROUGHT it with this angry breakup anthem. 10. Sleeves or no sleeves? Sleeves, absolutely sleeves. You have to make a commitment here. If you want to be classy, wear sleeves, if you’re here to party, take your shirt off, but don’t sit on the fence with sleeveless.