Some of the University’s hidden gems are the many talented musicians here in the campus community. Two of these musicians, juniors Nick Miller and Kathleen Galgano, are starting a Music and Instruments Club here on campus. In a recent interview with Miller he stated that he has been passionate about music his whole life. At just eight years old, Miller began playing the drums, and his interest in music has only grown. Since then, he has taken up many more instruments over the years. “Once you start you just really begin to appreciate music at a deeper level and really appreciate what other artists are doing,” Miller said.
When Miller met Galgano during orientation their freshmen year their shared passion for music made them fast friends. They began playing together in Philly, but both wished there were more opportunities to play on campus and to share with other musicians. So they decided to create the Music and Instruments Club as a way to help artists meet each other on campus. The club aims to give everyone with an interest in music a space to come together to connect, play, collaborate and branch out in their art. Miller says the community response has been enthusiastic and he is excited to see where the club goes. “We have so much talent on campus,” he said. “I’ve been really blown away by the musicians I’ve met here.”
Miller hopes the club will provide many varied opportunities for music-specific events and a creative outlet for everyone who loves music. Miller also hopes to expose students to the resources we already have on campus such as our very own music lab, practice rooms, drum set, pianos, and music software available on school computers. Most students do not even know these things are available so Miller hopes to spread the word. He has also been securing funding to improve the resources we do have and has been busy getting pianos tuned and music rooms improved.
Creating a network among music lovers on campus is a central goal for the club. “At the end of the day the heart and soul of this is about getting musicians to come together, express their creativity and create something special,” Miller said. But one of the most important and impressive aspects of the club is the scope of musical interests it will encompass. The club will not focus just on performers but also on everyone who is passionate about music.
Just as there are an endless number of sides to music and ways to appreciate it, founders Miller and Galgano are working hard to include a large number of events and activities that will appeal to music lovers of every type. “You don’t have to be a performer on stage to appreciate music,” Miller said. “There are so many kinds of music and so many ways to get involved that music can really apply to anyone.” Whether your interest is performing on stage, recording, listening, concerts, songwriting or working back stage, this is a club for everyone with an interest in music.
The club will offer an impressive number of ambitious projects such as visits to local studios, networking with professional musicians and sound engineers, free lessons on topics ranging from how to play different instruments to desktop music, rap and poetry. “If you are passionate about music and want to learn but don’t know where to start we will have something for you,” Miller said. Concert meet ups will allow students with interests in similar kinds of music to connect and will make all the fantastic opportunities in Philadelphia, such as festivals and free concerts, much more accessible to students.
All of this will contribute to Galgano and Miller’s dream of encouraging all kinds of music, self-expression, and creativity. Their vision of creating a vibrant music scene here on campus seems destined to become a reality, given the club’s mission of inclusion to reach out to everyone with passion for music and the ambition and enthusiasm of its founders. “There’s so much interest and talent on campus already that I believe we just have to get the ball rolling and the momentum will take it from there,” Miller said. “Once we get people together to act on their interest we can make this happen.”