1. If you could trade places with any pop star for the day, who would you choose and why?
“Taylor Swift, because I’d be able to travel the world and meet great people.”
2. What is your favorite social media account to follow?
“Everything Goats. Check it out.”
3. Breakfast: Nudy’s or Minella’s?
4. What’s the best Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?
“My cousin and I dressed up as Lobsters.”
5. While you were abroad last semester, what was the most interesting food you ate?
6. How long is too long for a snapchat story?
“Anything in the triple digits you’ve gone too far.”
7. If your life were a TV show, what would be the theme song?
“I’m Different by 2 Chainz.”
8. What was the last thing you tweeted?
“How I arrived to class covered in sweat.”
9. What’s your favorite building on campus and why?
“Driscoll because it looks so nice and clean. Except it’s playing hard to get because I’ve never had a class there.”
10. What’s your dream concert?
“Gillette Stadium, Taylor Swift Rain Show circa 2010.”