The University Set to Have Its Annual 1842 Day Fundraiser

Courtesy of 1842 Day Team/University Advancement
The fifth annual 1842 Day fundraiser will take place on September 21.
September 17, 2021
September 21st marks the University’s fifth annual 1842 Day, a day-long fundraiser for the school that raises funds for numerous groups on campus.
The event is geared towards members of the Villanova community, asking them to donate to an area of their choice. There are no minimum or maximum donations.
According to the official 1842 Day Website, last year’s event raised over 5.9 million dollars for various organizations on campus. Some examples included internship help for Honors students and campus ministry initiatives.
Marci Paton, the Executive Director of Annual Giving, spoke about the impact these donations have on the Villanova community.
“1842 Day infuses millions of dollars through cash gifts and challenge commitments directly to the areas of campus that donors choose to support,” Paton said. “These dollars are distributed to operating budgets across the University and allow faculty, staff and students to develop new programs and deliver on initiatives and strategies they plan each year – all of which enhances the Villanova experience we have today.”
The Official 1842 Day website details some of these experiences. The University’s learning support services, which helps students with all types of learning abilities, as well as the Villanova University Black Alumni Group were just two examples of groups that benefited from past 1842 Day donations.
Paton told The Villanovan that the campus team plans the event all year, coming up with new ways to engage the community and receive more donations. This year, the committee is hosting a Live Show on the day of the event, complete with a live audience and special performances.
Paton explained in detail what the show would entail.
“The daytime Livestream will be hosted by students Caroline Levine ’22 and Jose Garcia-Orozco ’23, joined by special correspondents Ally Weitzman ’23 and Miguel Badia ’23. The student team will be sharing updates from campus on the 18s and 42s of every hour from 12 pm to 5 pm and will bring you interviews from campus leaders,” Paton said. “Our Primetime Special show will run from 7 pm to 9 pm and is hosted by alumni Keith Jones ’07, Lauren Dugan ’16 ’19, and Darryl ‘D.Rey’ Reynolds ’17.”
Jones is a Philadelphia NBC news anchor, alongside media training supervisor and Emmy nominated Dugan and coach and former Villanova basketball member Reynolds.
“The Primetime Special will feature a live interview and performance with President Father Peter joined by the Villanova Voices, an interview with Coach Jay Wright, an a cappella performance from the Supernovas, Comedy performed by Andrew Mister ’22 of Ridiculum,” Paton continued. “We will also interview six students from each of Villanova’s Schools and Colleges, and these students will have a chance to play mini-games and win donor-sponsored dollars in support of an area of campus important to them.”
1842 Day marks an important day for the prospects of the Villanova community, and Paton touched on the hopes for the University’s fifth annual fundraiser.
“Our goal is five milestones of 1,842 donors for a total of 9,210 donors,” Paton said. “There are dozens of Challenge gifts supporting specific campaigns and areas across the University and gifts of any size count toward these challenges. In total, we have nearly eight million dollars that can be unlocked if we meet all of our donor goals this 1842 Day.”
To donate to the University’s 1842 Day, go to the official donation site at
Donations are currently being accepted and count toward the goals put in place for the official donation day on Sept. 21.