1. What was your immediate reaction when Villanova won the National Championship title?
I guess the first thing I had to do was pick myself up off of my apartment floor, because I had thrown myself off the couch in hysteria.
2. Which movie makes you laugh hysterically every time?
This is embarrassing, but I’ve probably seen “Spaceballs” 10 times. And it’s kind of dumb, but I’m a huge “Star Wars” fan, so I think it’s pretty on point as a parody.
3. Which movie character do you most identify with?
Lilly Moscovitz from “The Princess Diaries.”
4. Which book are you going to read next?
I want to check out more of Colson Whitehead. I just read “The Intuitionist,” and it blew my mind.
5. Go-to Campco order?
I guess mozzarella sticks? If I’m ordering out I’d probably get sushi instead.
6. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
“Don’t get lazy on the short putts.” That was in the context of mini-golf. I’m really, really good at mini-golf.
7. What is the first word that comes to your mind when you think of Villanova?
8. Do you put ketchup on the side of your fries or directly on top?
Ranch dressing, on the side. Ketchup is for cheesesteaks.
9. “The Office,” “Parks and Recreation,” or “Modern Family?”
“Parks and Recreation.” One of my favorite shows ever.
10. What is your dream job?
At this point, I want to be an English teacher, because I think reading books and talking and writing about them sounds like a pretty ideal way to live your life.