Ten Things to Look Forward to in November and the fall season
November 8, 2016
1. The end of Halloween. You have to love those discounts for leftover candy.
2. Expanding on the first point: no more gory costumes, unwanted jumps and scares and horror films. Those faint of heart can relax.
3. The end of Daylight Savings. We could all use an extra hour of sleep (unless you get six to eight hours of sleep every night—then I have nothing but respect for you).
4. Thanksgiving. For some families, Thanksgiving dinner isn’t just a meal. It’s an art form.
5. Thanksgiving Break. Many of us have not seen our families in a month, and we can all appreciate a couple of days off from school.
6. Continuing with Thanksgiving, all of the accompanying celebrations. This includes Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and NFL games.
7. Black Friday Shopping. You have to prep yourself for the chaos, but the discounts and the money you save are always worth it.
8. The end of autumn, which also means the beginning of winter. Hopefully this year we’ll actually get colder weather and some snow too.
9. Colder weather also means you can wrap yourself up in blankets without needing an excuse. Hot chocolate also becomes mainstream.
10. The end of the semester beckons. Just one more month—hang in there everyone!