The Villanovan Sports Section Unveils New Twitter Page @novan_sports

The Villanovan Sports Section Unveils New Twitter Page @novan_sports
January 30, 2018
With the rise of social media news sites like Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post, the way in which news is received and portrayed is now different. People will constantly talk about how they found out about the latest political issues through apps like Twitter or Facebook. They get updates on complex topics like healthcare or immigrations through only 280 characters. Twitter is one of quickest and simplest platforms to spread important information to the masses. The concept of reaching the masses is what enticed editors of the Villanovan Sports Section, Kevin Gamgort and Greg Welsh to create their very own Twitter page. The dual-editors decided to take the Villanovan Sports Section to a wider audience. They created this Twitter page to help spread the word about articles published while also giving them a platform to connect with fellow sports fans. I caught up with Gamgort for his thoughts on the Twitter page.
“The ability to be able to talk to other sports fans is one of our favorite parts of the page,” he said. “We love doing polls to see what our readers are interested in. Plus, the page also helps us to generate new ideas for articles during the week because people are always talking about sports match-ups on campus.”
Not only does the Twitter page share articles, but it also spreads the news about athletics and sends out reminders for any kind of upcoming sporting events. This helps to create more exposure for other sports teams, such as lacrosse or tennis. They also use the page to conduct polls in regard to Villanova sports, like the Player of the Week and Player of the Game from weekly basketball games. The editors of the sports section are very excited to see what the future holds for their twitter. Make sure to go and give them a follow @novan_sports!