In past semesters, Villanova students spoke frequently about the popular smoothie destination, Freshens. Freshens included a flagship location in the Connelly Center, as well as locations for orders in Donahue Market on South Campus. Something changed this semester, though. When students entered Conn, to pick up their Caribbean Craze, a new sign greeted them. Smoothitas has taken over the once-popular Freshens. This comes with a series of dining updates to Villanova’s campus, such as the new drink machines in Belle Air Terrace and a new sushi station in Café Nova. Smoothitas is a substantial improvement to Villanova’s campus, helping to rebrand Freshens into a destination with much more to offer.
Although Freshens was once known for its smoothies, Smoothitas offers a wider range of options, including newly implemented acai bowls that have received a multitude of positive reviews across campus. The names of the smoothies sold at Smoothitas take a humorous spin on many phrases understood by Villanova students. For example, one of the spinach and kale smoothies offered is named “Campus Green,” alluding to the Rowan Campus Green on Main Campus. Smoothitas has transformed Freshens into a destination much more unique to Villanova. Smoothitas can easily be compared to Villanova’s coffee franchise Holy Grounds, which alludes to Villanova’s Catholic roots and traditions.
Now that Smoothitas offers acai bowls, in addition to the wide range of smoothies sold in the past, using a meal plan express feels more justified to many students. In the past, students expressed frustration over the Curley Exchange in Bartley Hall and Holy Grounds in Falvey Library not accepting the Meal Plan Express. Smoothitas gives students an additional option to use their meal plan express on food rather than just drinks, making Villanova’s meal plan options more desirable for students. In addition, acai bowls are a great addition for vegan students who may find it challenging to accommodate their diet on campus.
“I love the acai bowls from Smoothitas” student Victoria Waters expressed. “They are always fresh and really good. I would definitely recommend” she continued.
The most efficient way to place an order at Smoothitas is through the Grubhub app, which allows a person to select which toppings they want in their bowl. The toppings range from fresh berries to pumpkin seeds, giving students a wide variety of options depending on their diet. Acai bowls are great for both breakfast and lunch, which allow them to be a great, accessible option for students.
Many Villanova students believe that Freshens had better options than Smoothitas. In addition, many students feel sentimental about Freshens leaving since it has been a part of campus for many years. Although these are valid arguments, the smoothies once served at Freshens are very similar to the ones currently sold at Smoothitas. Most of the smoothies have simply been renamed, but still include most of the same ingredients as Freshens’ smoothies.
Although it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to the longtime favorite Freshens, Smoothitas brings a fresh, exciting energy to the scene. With its vibrant menu of smoothies and acai bowls, Smoothitas not only meets the need for healthier, more diverse food options but also brings a modern vibe that aligns well with Villanova’s atmosphere. Whether one is looking for a quick energy boost between classes or a relaxing, delicious treat, Smoothitas offers something for everyone, making it a welcome addition to Villanova dining.