Ba-dum-tss! This past Friday, student improv group Ridiculum held a comedy show in Conn Cinema, titled “The Late Night Show with Rickey Dillon.” The group offered free admission to audience members who attended in their pajamas, in accordance with the theme.
The group puts on comedy events frequently, and students can purchase tickets online prior to the show. Later this month, Ridiculum is performing at Georgetown, putting on a long-form show and holding an alumni showcase. However, according to junior Owen Hewitt, a dedicated member of Ridiculum, this most recent show was a special one.
“I was really proud of the group of us that performed,” Hewitt said. “It’s been a while since we performed for that large of an audience.”
Junior Noel B. Doherty echoed this sentiment, adding that the crowd was one of the most engaged and fun audiences the group has seen.
“Friday’s show might have been our best one all year,” Doherty said. “We had a great, big, energetic crowd, to the point where when it was time for us to get suggestions from the crowd, it was hard to hear anyone over all the yelling from the audience. It’s a good problem to have.”
Audience members agreed, saying they enjoyed the performance and had fun with the interactive portions. Senior Colin Beazley attended the show and was impressed by the instantaneous nature of the jokes.
“I honestly didn’t know what to expect at the improv show, but it was hilarious,” Beazley said. “They were all able to think so quickly and, more importantly, be funny quickly.”
Beazley also noted that the Jeopardy segment and portion of the show with the character “Johnny Hotdog” were crowd-favorites of the evening.
Beyond its shows, Ridiculum is the only improv group on campus and provides a creative outlet for its members that bonds the group together.
“I love Ridiculum,” Doherty said. “I learned improv and quickly fell in love with it in college, thanks to the club. My teammates are some of my best friends.”
Whether one needs a unique event to attend with friends or is just on the lookout for fun entertainment, the members of Ridiculum strive to brighten campus with their off-the-cuff comedy, lively shows and of course, laughter.