Exams. Parties. Dorm decor. Basketball. Rick Ross? When this year’s freshman class committed to Villanova, these were a few of the things they were also committing to, whether they knew it at the time or not. There are a few things that are universal from one college experience to another.
Most college students can relate to the feeling of having as much fun on “Halloweekend” as possible before they have to turn around and try not to cry while taking their theology midterm on Halloween. Just me?
However, there are some experiences that are just reserved for the lucky students who attend this wonderful institution.
One of these experiences is having to read St. Augustine’s “The Confessions.” I personally will never forget the feeling of pure laughter that took over me when I read the title of one of his chapters: “Student Life: Sex and Shows.” I’m not sure that there is a better way to sum up the Villanova freshman experience than a joke from Augustine himself. When most people enter college, one of the only things they have to compare it to is the movies and TV shows they have seen. I will be the first to admit that I fully expected college to be like “Pitch Perfect,” and I was not all that wrong.
That might be because, similarly to Becca, I also like to sing quietly in the communal showers. It could also be because my roommate just so happens to be in one of the a cappella groups on campus (shoutout to Measure Up). Based on that alone, I will say that, yes, Villanova is exactly what I expected college to be.
In the spirit of being honest, I will also admit that there were times that this first semester was a lot harder than I expected it to be. Failing your first exam in college is a wild experience that makes you question if you are smart enough to accomplish anything. You are smart enough, just take a nap and do better next time.
For many students, it’s also very hard to be away from your family for the first time. It’s okay to cry because you miss your parents. It doesn’t mean that you’re not enjoying college. It is definitely a struggle to transition into the new college life, but once you get there, it is so worth it.
There were also plenty of experiences that I never expected to have. I could talk about the joy that overtakes one’s soul when they consume late-night mac and cheese, but shockingly enough, it was not the food here that truly made this semester special. The classes I took this semester and the wonderful professors I had exceeded every expectation I came in with.
I was lucky enough to get to have the Villanova Honors experience that is Anna Moreland’s dating workshop this semester, and let me tell you, nothing ever could have prepared me for what was the most hilarious and awkward hour of my life. On top of academics, I never could have imagined meeting people as amazing as the ones I have met here in the last few months.
People always talk about how they met some of their lifelong best friends in college, so when you get here, you hope that you can experience that, too. Just one semester at Villanova introduced me to some of the best people I have ever met, and I do truly hope that they will be lifelong best friends. I asked a few of these wonderful people about their first semester here, and they all agreed that it was an interesting, but great, experience.
“It hasn’t been as I expected in the way that I made really close connections a lot faster than I thought I would in college,” freshman Emily Walsh said. This is a fear that many college freshmen share, but, luckily, this semester surpassed all expectations.
“Oh, yeah, I loved it,” freshman Kaitlyn Walker said, when asked how she felt about her first semester. “[It was great] until I had to come back after Thanksgiving.”
Walker admitted, which is absolutely not an unpopular opinion among students here, especially freshmen who are experiencing it for the first time. I think it’s hard to put into exact words what the transition between high school and college looks like.
It’s different for everyone, and while I am not sure if this semester matches up perfectly with what I thought college might look like, I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed the past few months. I can say with absolute certainty that this is the place I am meant to be. So, thank you, Villanova, for giving me a great first semester of college. I can’t wait to do it seven more times.