Community First Hosts A Capella and Dance Performance Boo! Palooza on Halloween Weekend

Courtesy of The Villanovan

Students gather on Mendel Field to watch Boo! Palooza.

Sophia Pedro Staff Writer

As a part of the University’s efforts to provide safe and fun Halloweekend activities for students on campus, numerous A Cappella and dance groups performed as a part of Boo! Palooza. In addition to Boo! Palooza, there were other activities last weekend, including Tent or Treating, Halloween on the Green, Blacklight Mini Golf and Boo! And Brews for students over the age of 21.  

Hosted by the Campus Activities Team, Boo! Palooza kicked off Halloweekend on Friday at 7 p.m. on Mendel Field. Social distancing guidelines were upheld, and students were encouraged to bring their portable chairs.

DJ 007 also made an appearance to energize the crowd, and hot chocolate was provided to warm up the audience. Tickets for the show sold out quickly, and there was a large turnout of students from all classes. 

“It was amazing to see so many people coming out to support the arts in the freezing cold,” Megan Fitzpatrick, member of the tap dance group NOVANoise, said.

The following groups were able to showcase their talents: Measure Up, The Haveners, Vocal Minority, Spires, The Superlative, Dance Company, Supernovas, The Irish Dance Team, The Twirlers, Nothing But Treble, NOVANoise, Sirens, The Villanova Dance Team, Minor Problem, The Wazobia African Dance Company and Ablaze.

All eight a cappella groups performed two songs each. Six out of the seven dance groups on campus also performed, as well as both athletics affiliated dance groups, the Twirlers and the Villanova Dance Team. 

Sophomore Sam White, a member of the University;s multicultural dance crew, The Superlatives, shared her experience.

“Practicing with masks was definitely difficult, but our team is so positive and strong that it was so fun preparing. That was my first performance with the team so I was nervous but once I got on stage and had support from my friends and the team, I had such a great time” White said. “ It was definitely one of the most fun experiences I had at Villanova.” 

While Boo! Palooza was an exciting event for all those watching, it may have been even more exciting for all the performers. This was the first time all of these groups have been able to perform together for an audience since January or maybe even before that. 

In order to adhere to the University’s social distancing guidelines, all performers had to be six feet apart, singing into their own microphones and wearing a mask. These guidelines sure took some practice and getting used to. 

“It was definitely different to perform distanced with masks on, but worth the discomfort to have the opportunity to sing at all,” Elizabeth Nacion, member of the co-ed a cappella group Measure Up, said.

Alex Petrozzi, a member of the female A Cappella group Sirens, had similar thoughts.

“A Cappella is normally performed with only soloists having microphones and everyone close together so we are able to better hear our voices mesh,” she said. “Singing so far apart and with masks was definitely a challenge and different than normal, but I was so grateful for the opportunity to perform and am very proud of all the groups.”

 Overall, Boo! Palooza was a success, providing fun and safe Halloween weekend entertainment for students, as well as an opportunity for the University’s a cappella and dance groups to showcase their talents.