Brian Luppy/Villanovan Photography
Students studying in Falvey Library.
It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing, Halloween costumes are being bought, and students are spending more time than ever in any open study space they can find. It’s midterms week.
While studying away, one common goal is motivating the majority of students: Fall Break. Ranging from Oct. 6 to Oct. 15, students are traveling near and far during the week off from classes.
“[I am] going home to New York for the break, and then visiting a friend at the University of South Carolina,” sophomore Claire Gaza said. “I am excited to spend some time with friends and family before coming back to campus to finish off the semester.”
Many students, like Gaza, are spending the break at home or are visiting high school friends at their schools, and are ecstatic to have a week off from papers and exams.
While midterms week is officially Oct. 2 to Oct. 6, some students completed their midterms the week prior.
“[I] finished all my exams last week,” sophomore Betty Dorsey said. “Other than an essay due Sunday for one of my courses, this week is actually my lightest week since the beginning of the semester. [For Fall Break,] I am going back home to DC, where I’ll be going to the Pitbull concert. I am very excited to see my friends and younger sister who still live and go to school down there.”
Midterms have a wide range.
“[I have] three essays and an exam this week,” sophomore Kara McGoldrick said. “As a political science major with a math minor, it is hard to balance the scale of studying for math as well as ensuring my essays are to the best of my ability.”
Other students have exam heavy weeks, rather than a mix of exams and essay.s
“[I have] five exams throughout the week,” sophomore Nadia Balduf said. “As a neuroscience major, I have a lot of science-based exams, yet I also have one in my Chinese class.”
Some students are not feeling too stressed this midterms season.
“As a political science major, I do not have a ton of exams; however, I do have several essays due,” said junior Hannah Sweeney. “My teachers tried to have things due last week to prevent the midterm stress. Because of that, my midterms week has not been as bad as previous years.”
No matter if it is exams or essays, midterm stress is in the air.
“While I feel confident in my courses, I can not help but to feel stressed during midterms week. I am very excited for midterms to end so I can go home,” sophomore Ryan Levey said.
Many feel the same as Levey, and while being prepared, others feel too prepared.
“Last year, there were exams I over prepared for,” sophomore Jacob O’Neil said. “I feel more confident this year that I have found the perfect balance and that my exams will go well.”
It is important throughout this stressful time to make sure that students are putting themself first.
“It is important to take breaks,” Annabelle Futuyma said. “I found last year that I would become very stressed and study for hours on end, but after trying different strategies, I found that taking breaks and allowing my mind to rest while studying is what has worked best for myself, as well as for most of my friends.”
Other students take time for themselves by indulging their interests, such as listening to music and unplugging from their work.
“I enjoy listening to music while I study and making sure I have set times throughout the day to check in with friends, grab a coffee or meal and get my work done with efficient timing,” Gaza said.
With midterms wrapping up in a few days, students are looking forward to the chance to relax and spend time with loved ones over the long fall break.
“I am excited to go home and see my dog and family,” Sweeney said. “School has been so busy, so I am excited to relax, watch some TV, hang out with my mom, and catch up on my sleep wihtout feeling guilty.”
To the Villanova Community, good luck on midterms. It is important to take care of yourself during this stressful time. There is light at the end of this dark tunnel: Fall Break. Whether you are going home, visiting friends and family, going away or are joining in the senior trip to Vegas, the break is much deserved before ending the semester on a high note.