Hayden Karnes
How relevant is the Roman Empire really? Read more to find out the influence of this event.
If your girl hasn’t asked you how often you think about the Roman Empire, is she really your girl?
Over the last couple of weeks, TikTok has been overrun by a trend where women ask guys how often they think about the Roman Empire. Even more surprising than the obscurity of the question are the answers. Many of these videos have been posted online for the rest of the internet to enjoy.
While most women say they have not thought about the Roman Empire since around middle school, Villanova’s men responded to the question with answers such as “bi-weekly,” “more than you may think” and “seven times.” Based on the trending answers to the question, it wouldn’t be surprising if seven times meant seven times per day.
The trend has sparked a lot of discussion and debate. Some people are amused by it, while others are baffled. Originally, many people thought that it was a huge inside joke. If that is the case, all these men deserve Oscars for their acting skills. So, the question is, why do so many men seem to be fascinated by the Roman Empire?
There are a few possible explanations. One explanation is that the Roman Empire is simply a fascinating and complex historical subject. It was a vast and powerful empire that lasted for centuries, and it had a major impact on the development of Western civilization. Men may be drawn to the Roman Empire’s military prowess, its engineering feats or its cultural achievements.
“The most fascinating aspect of the Roman Empire is the bath houses,” sophomore Nick Ryan said. “A lot of cool things happened there.”
Of course, not all men are fascinated by the Roman Empire. But, for those who are, it may represent something more than just a historical interest. It may represent a set of values and ideals that they aspire to. Another possibility for the hidden meaning behind the obsession is that the Roman Empire represents certain ideals of masculinity. The Romans were known for their strength, courage and discipline. They were also skilled warriors and builders. Men may be drawn to the Roman Empire because it represents a time of really masculine traits exhibited by leaders. Many men think specifically about certain figures from the era, especially ones with more common names. For example, if a man starts eating a lot of Caesar salads, Julius Caesar’s reign may begin to take up even more of his headspace. Another popular one is Nero, which is obviously short for Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.
“[The Roman Empire is] probably my favorite empire, so all the time,” sophomore Matt Hellman said in response to the infamous question. “Nero is the best emperor.”
However, the trend has inspired a spin-off question: what is your Roman Empire? Or, in other words, what is an obscure or niche topic that you think about way too much? The range of answers to this question is much broader, and can be anything from inside jokes with friends to funny pop culture moments.
“My Roman Empire is Mark Sloan’s death in Grey’s Anatomy,” junior Anna Paytas said. “It was devastating because he was the best character.”
In the context of the TikTok trend, the question “what is your Roman Empire?” has grown from not only a funny trend, but a way for people to connect with each other over shared interests. What is your Roman Empire?