What’s In the Stars for You: April Horoscopes

Chloe Miller, Co-Culture Editor

Aries: It is your time to shine, Aries. With spring in full bloom, you are feeling more creative and powerful than ever. Dedicate some time each day to explore these new creative outlets and avenues. In addition, mindfully spend your free time with the people who mean the most to you. This will not only recharge your battery, but will show the most important people you love and appreciate them. 

Taurus: This week, you might find yourself with more free time than usual. Maybe a class was canceled, or it is a lighter week of schoolwork. Take this time to give back to the people who are important to you. You can identify people in your life who have been there for you when you have been overwhelmed; now it is time for you to fill their cup while you have the ability. 

Gemini: You may feel really overwhelmed right now. In these moments of extreme stress, uncertainty and turbulence, it is important to remember the past. Identify times where you have made it through events and experiences that felt impossible. Harness the strength you have within you and your capability to persevere. Although this is challenging, you are more capable than you believe. 

Cancer: You feel a lack of control this week. While you would much rather feel like you can predict everything that happens, lean into this uncertainty and embrace what will come. When you feel yourself worrying about the future, try to center on the present. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to. 

Leo: This week, you may be faced with a difficult and stark decision. While there may be a clear “safe” option, make sure to recognize the benefits that could come from taking a risk. The stars urge you to realize the capabilities you have in the unknown. It is easy to stick to your comfort zone, but the benefits that can come from taking a risk are more bountiful than you can imagine.

Virgo: You attract what you put out into the universe. Think about it. What energy are you putting into the world? Positivity, anxiousness, turbulence, optimism, regret, excitement? What do you want this energy to reflect to others? You can control the image that other people have of you by altering the energy you put into the world. Create the picture of yourself that you would best want to show to others. 

Libra: You feel on top of the world right now. While it is important to bask in this feeling and recognize all that you did to get here, don’t forget to also take the time to recognize new passions, goals and dreams. Your capabilities have exceeded your expectations. This is the perfect time to continue to push further into what you can see for yourself. 

Scorpio: This week you might feel a lack of motivation. At first, this scares you because you are used to using productivity to measure your success. Challenge yourself to reframe this mindset and recognize the benefits of not pushing forward at full force. What do you gain from slowing down and taking time for projects and people that ignite you? The answer: more than you can imagine. 

Sagittarius: You may find yourself faced with a large obstacle or issue you did not expect to arise. While your knee-jerk reaction is to jump at the problem full force to try and do damage control, try to take some time to separate yourself from the issue in order to think holistically about the situation. Although it may be difficult to jump at the quick solution, you will find that taking the time to process the event will allow you to come up with the best course of action that will satisfy you. 

Capricorn: You may have been feeling not quite like yourself this week. Your emotions seem to be unhinged and you are quick to snap, even at people who care about you and have your best interest at heart. If you recognize this within yourself, take some time now to proactively reflect and prepare for the future so you do not react in this way to your closest allies. It will pay off in your relationships and mental health.

Aquarius: You need to be more sure of yourself. This week, you will find yourself replaying old, negative memories. When you are in this state of mind, try to shift the narrative to recognize why you reacted the way you did and why the decisions you made in the moment were the best for you. Giving yourself the grace to make mistakes or rash decisions is a skill and a gift that will serve you in the future. After all, it is only a part of human nature. 

Pisces: Spring has sprung. You feel like you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and are basking in the sunshine. Embrace this and use the good energy to propel yourself forward into your next endeavor. While also focusing on yourself, remember you can give back to others while riding high. Bringing your joy to others is the ultimate gift. The hard times are behind you, Pisces. Take it all in and enjoy the view.