When Does the Christmas Season Start?
The University typically begins decorating for Christmas around the end of November.
November 16, 2022
The world is divided into two factions: those who start Christmas celebrations Nov. 1 and those who wait until after Thanksgiving to start Christmas activities. So, that leaves us with the question: who is right?
Starbucks fans know that on Nov. 3, the chain released its yearly, highly anticipated Christmas drinks, and anyone who frequents the location near campus can tell that there is no shortage of Christmas cheer inside. Christmas lights hang all around, the chalkboards are filled with winter drawings, each cup sports a Christmas design and digital menus have a red and green background. So, if Starbucks says Christmas starts now, does it?
Villanova hasn’t started decorating for the holidays yet, but some students have gotten the ball rolling already. Sophomore Ryan Jordan discussed his Halloween- Christmas tradition.
“This year especially was extra special,” Jordan said. “Every year at midnight on November 1st, I listen to ‘It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas’ by Michael Bublé. This year since Halloween was on a Monday, everyone was burnt out from halloweekend. So, on Halloween night I had a bunch of friends over to my apartment and we waited until midnight and then played the song, followed by lots of other Christmas songs. We also decorated a small tree that I got for my apartment.”
Many people who feel Christmas celebrations start after Thanksgiving argue that celebrating Christmas too early overshadows Thanksgiving.
“My idea is that the Christmas season is from Nov. 1 to Jan. 1,” Jordan said. “Some people complain that it’s starting too early and that I’m skipping Thanksgiving, but I believe that Thanksgiving is wrapped within the Christmas season. I play Christmas music on the way to Thanksgiving dinner and throughout the whole day of Thanksgiving. I’m not skipping Thanksgiving, I’m just wrapping it all into the Christmas season.”
Being that Villanova is an Augustinian Catholic institution, it is important to note that Advent, the liturgical season in preparation for Christmas, officially begins Sunday, Nov. 27. Since this celebration begins after Thanksgiving, it appears that Villanova would advocate taking one holiday at a time. Its Christmas events typically begin as soon as Dec. 1.
Freshman Reena Saraiya commented on the importance of Christmas after Thanksgiving.
“Thanksgiving is a time to reflect with your family on how the year is going and what you want for the remaining part of the year,” Saraiya said. “Rushing through it and thinking about Christmas, which is still time for family, has you thinking about all the Christmas aspects such as gifts and lights rather than enjoying family time. Time goes fast, so you should enjoy every second, which means not rushing to Christmas and beginning celebrations/decorating before Thanksgiving.”
“I definitely have some strong feelings about Christmas,” sophomore Isabella Ledet said. “I consider myself to be a Christmas addict, so I do not like to give in to my addiction too early. The Christmas season for me starts the moment after Thanksgiving. Last year, I actually played Christmas music in the car ride home from Thanksgiving dinner. I feel that starting Christmas celebrations right after Thanksgiving gives the maximum length of celebration without it being too over-the-top.”
Personally, I think Christmas starts after Thanksgiving. With Christmas comes the winter season, and I’d like to enjoy the harvest and fall feeling before rushing into a long, cold winter. Whether you prefer a pumpkin spice latte or a peppermint mocha, the holidays are coming and going to be celebrated (preferably after Thanksgiving).