Since 2018, Villanova’s Falvey Memorial Library has granted all students access to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), courtesy of the business school. However, it does not seem as though many students use or even know that this jackpot of a resource is readily available for consumption. There has been exactly one promotional email sent out to Villanovans, on Sept. 27 of this year, to advise students to activate their complimentary accounts, and after a hunt for the newspaper on the library’s website, I was only able to find the one original announcement of Villanova’s partnership with WSJ from the secret Falvey blog that I didn’t even know existed. From just these statements alone, it is clear that Villanova needs to advertise this incredible resource to its students better.
Although the WSJ, founded 1889, is known mostly for its global business content, which is delineated on its homepage with updated stock prices and graphs, if economic theory and the stock market are not on the list of important things to consider for the day, there are still countless other sections for a reader to enjoy. I prefer to read book reviews, commentary on politics and lifestyle articles about everything from SpongeBob pimple patches to “panic attack” emojis.
If one feels like being challenged, there is a subsection for WSJ Puzzles under “Books & Arts” that includes crosswords, number games and even a random puzzle from past issues. If a change in the season has disenchanted one’s wardrobe, never fear, for the fashion subsection under “Style” will surely come to the rescue with guidance on how to wear leather jackets and polos. Sci-fi novel fanatic? Try the “Tech Section.” Want to start an awkward Thanksgiving family argument? Try “Politics.” What is happening in North Korea? Try “World.” No matter who the reader is, The Wall Street Journal has sections and articles that cater to every interest. Even though newspapers in 2022 are losing traction because of the overload of media, the WSJ still has so many loyal subscribers because of its continued reputation for accurate news and scholarly content – best of all, Villanovans get the information for free.
Sometimes my meal times do not align with my friends’, and in the past, I was an avid Tiktok and Instagram scroller while I munched on scrambled eggs and hash browns. However, nowadays, because the dining halls are so loud that I can barely hear my content anyway, I find myself scrolling through articles of The Wall Street Journal instead. Although it seems like a “grandpa move,” as I was told by one of my friends (which, I admit, it kind of is), reading these passages has been a source of entertainment for the meals I enjoy alone. While not as visually charged as the short videos I can watch on my phone, the pieces I read while solo-eating are always stimulating, and I urge everyone to unlock WSJ access as soon as possible.