Letter to the Editors: Remembering and Honoring Our Departed Service Members on Memorial Day

Noah Seng DeLong/Villanovan Photography

Villanova’s Grotto near Alumni Hall.

Mike Skurecki, Class of 1991

Recently I was going through my mother’s albums, and I came across the enclosed old clipping and poem that was once in the Philadelphia’s Roxborough and Manayunk Review Newspaper. It brought tears to my eyes as I remember that my brother Msgt Leo Skurecki USAF served in Vietnam as well.  He came home as many others who served with honor and dignity, alive, but with scars of memories that were never forgotten.  I Honor and Love him, as well as all servicemen and servicewomen who served in all wars and conflicts, and this poem also honors all those who did not come home alive, and gave their All for us.  

The poem was found on the body of a teenage soldier in Vietnam.


A Soldier and His GOD…

Look God: I have never spoken to you, but now –

I want to say: “How do you do?”

You see, God, they say you didn’t exist

And like a fool – I believed all of this.

Last night from a shell-hole I saw you in the sky –

I figured right then they had told me a lie.

Had I taken the time to see the things you made,

I’d know they weren’t calling a spade a spade.

I wonder, God, if you’d shake my hand.

Funny, I had to come to this hellish place,

Before I had time to see your face.

Well, I guess there isn’t much more to say

But I am sure glad, God, I met you today.

I guess the zero hour will soon be here

But I am not afraid since I know you are here.

The signal – well, God – I have to go,

I like you lots – this I want you to know.

Looks like this will be a horrible fight.

Who knows – I may come to your house tonight.

Though I wasn’t friendly with you before, 

I wonder God – if you’d wait at your door –

Look – I am crying, my shedding tears,

I wish I’d known you these many years.

Well, I have to go now, God – goodbye

Strange-since I met you-I’m not afraid to die.