Thank you to the entire VIllanova Community
April 23, 2002
To the Editors and the entire Villanova Community, As the year winds down, and we gear up for finals, I wanted to give all those around me a very big and sincere thank you. It seems like it was only a wink ago that I was learning the bugaloo and the banana peel dance, wondering if I would last through to graduation. Four years, a switch of majors, and an “almost” transfer later, I wonder, just like most of my peers, if I will last through the “Grown Up World.” Although I must say that Villanova and I were not a perfect match, as is the case with many of my friends, I will never forget the wonderful memories and incredible friendships and relationships I have made here. Trying to figure out as freshmen where the good parties were, then discovering that the courts, a 20-minute walk away after midnight, was the usual place. Those random Gino’s and Pat’s runs in the middle of the night just because your friend was lucky enough to get a car sophomore year and you needed a place to go so you didn’t have to study anymore. Appreciating all those who turned 21 before you your junior year, but hopefully there were not 5 other roommates you had to contend with over in the apartments. And finally, wasn’t your senior year supposed to be a breeze-Brownies, The Grog, The Onion, and The Brick Bar were supposed to be your subjects and your homes this year, but somehow the pile of work just didn’t let you get to those classes. And so, as my years here at ‘Nova come to an end too soon, I would like to say thank you to the entire community especially those of you I hold dear to my heart. From the entire CASA Staff (my new brothers and sisters), to those people who cannot part from their flip-flops even when there is snow on the ground (you gave me quite a few laughs over IM), thank you for all the memories. To the entire Residence Life Staff-why do you guys get all the slack when you are just trying to house these kids-thank you for giving me the wonderful opportunity this year and last, and for the friendships that I have made. Both have changed me forever. And finally to my very best friends-Julia, Sharon, and Jen-what would I do without you guys. You have been with me since the very beginning of this journey, and although we are all going are separate ways, you will always be with me, as you all hold a unique and special place in my heart. Thank you for all the laughter and tears that we have shared throughout the years. And to the entire Villanova Community, thank you for the memories, the laughter, the heartache, and the tears over the years. From volunteering with Campus Ministry to just hanging out at the Oreo, all those memories have helped me see who I am now and have helped me glimpse at what I would like to be. And so I ask the graduating class of 2002, what would your 1998 admission’s essay say now-Where will you be in 10 years and how has Villanova University helped you get there?Congratulations to the entire class of 2002-and we thought we would never get here!!-Denika BrizuelaClass of 2003