The Office of Student Life will launch a new program for seniors this year. The Senior Steps Program is designed to assist students from the beginning of the senior year in preparation for the transition into life after graduation.
Similar to the transition to freshman year, the movement from senior year to the “real world” can be difficult for recent graduates. Students may doubt their decisions, their abilities and their readiness to enter professional life. They may be relocating to a new city or moving back home with their parents. Regardless, change is all around them. With this in mind, the Office of Student Life created the Senior Steps program to support students during this transition.
The goals of Senior Steps include providing the senior class with additional career counseling, educating students about how to manage basic personal finances (budgets, car buying, credit card debt, and so on), and providing opportunities for reflection on their overall personal development at Villanova.
The program will feature guest speakers, networking opportunities and a column in the campus newspaper entitled, “What seniors should know about…” Don’t miss the kickoff reception on Monday in the Bartley Atrium from 6-8 p.m.
Dick Jackman, former Vice President of Sunoco Oil Corporation, will be the guest speaker. Local alumni will also be present for the event. Light refreshments will be provided.
Over Parents Weekend, Senior Steps will host its first annual Senior Golf Outing at Pickering Valley Golf Course. Tee times begin at 10 a.m.
The cost is $40, which includes green fees, cart and lunch at the turn.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Life at x9-4550. Students who are interested in helping with the committee should contact Kelly Eastland (kelly.eastland@ for additional details.