Celebrate your body… dress down for a day

Ryan Murphy

The morning makeover before class. How many times have you heard about it or maybe even been through it? You know the outfit you picked out just isn’t working today, and it looks like a hair day from inside a wind tunnel.

Frustrating, isn’t it? The irony of it all sets in as several “maybe” outfits rest on the one comfortable place we’d like to be during the whole ordeal … our beds.

Finally, after half an hour of debate, we come to the realization that the Gucci sweater and Abercrombie jeans might not be such a bad combination after all. Hesitantly, we check the mirror at 8:34 a.m. one last time in search of an overlooked flaw.

Off to class, and there it is … our image for the day. Pretty intense, but where’s the comfort in it all? Perhaps it’s the oversized sweatshirts and sweatpants that are hanging in our closets and folded in our drawers that will do the trick.

The Peer Educators are offering a solution … the comfort of sweatpants for an entire day. Headed by Dr. Leslie Parkes, the Counseling Center Peer Educators (Lauren Frankle, Maria Greshock, Kelly Guisewhite, Claire Letourneau, Ryan Murphy, Kelly Paton and Lauren Rauch) are sponsoring a campus-wide dress down day this Monday, to foster discussion about healthy body image and size acceptance at Villanova.

The educators feel that healthy body image and acceptance of body size are strongly rooted in the level of comfort a person has with himself or herself.

As such, they are asking that each of us skip the “morning makeover” and dress in whatever makes us feel most comfortable.

Our own level of comfort is part of what makes each of us unique and realizing this uniqueness is an important part of accepting who we are.

Take a step toward this personal acceptance, but start small. For one day, think about what makes you feel most comfortable and dress as you would like.