Today, students will have the opportunity for one final party before hitting the books this coming midterm week. From 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., candidates of Villanova’s Communication Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta, will be throwing a free party in the Belle Air Terrace of the Connelly Center.
The party, which is scheduled to offer a DJ, dancing, refreshments and games, is being thrown in an attempt to bring awareness to the society. “What I hope the party will accomplish is to let Villanova know that our organization exists,” said senior Courtney Starbuck, head of the society’s Promotions and Fundraising Committee. “Students can also see who is in it, and hopefully become interested in joining themselves.”
While the festivities will offer a chance for students to get a glimpse of Lambda Pi Eta, the event is also helping candidates gain membership into the society. Among the several requirements for induction are six completed hours of community service, a prerequisite that is not nationwide. “[This aspect] is great for a university like this where community service is so much a part of student life,” said Emory Woodard, adviser and communication professor. “So much of the mission of this institution is to not only be a part of the world, but to be active in the betterment of the world.”
The required credits can be obtained by joining one of the several committees in the society. While some focus on preparing for new member initiation in the spring, others involve promoting the organization through newsletters, flyers and hosting parties, such as the event this weekend. “Becoming a member of Lambda Pi Eta is not just a bullet point for the resume,” Woodard said. “Rather, it is an opportunity to gain real-world experience in the application of some of the skills they’re learning in the classroom. So, by publishing a newsletter or fundraising, candidates are gaining experience in desktop publishing, they are honing their writing skills or developing their ability to market an idea.”
While candidates continue their preparations for induction in April, they can look forward to the Induction Committee’s efforts to possibly have Channel 6 anchor and Villanova alumna Monica Malpass as the keynote speaker. “She really embodies communication excellence and communication integrity,” Woodard said. “She’s accomplished a lot in the community and has been recognized for her broadcast performance.”
“The society will be very fortunate to hear the encouraging words of such a well-known public figure in the Philadelphia area,” said senior Allison Dziubinsky, president of Lambda Pi Eta. “She will serve as inspiration to the hardworking students who are striving to work in the news and television industry.”
April’s ceremony and this weekend’s party demonstrate the extremely active role that members play in the society’s promotion, fundraising and service. “I think particularly this honor society, should be student-run,” Woodard said. “It helps people grow as leaders, so that they can take more responsibility in the direction of the organization and what it accomplishes.”
“When peers are provided these opportunities and information about the vast world of communication, it is encouraging for more students to become involved,” Dziubinsky said.
Regardless of major or who is preparing for entry in Lambda Pi Eta, tonight’s Belle Air party is an opportunity for all students to enjoy the evening, become more familiar with the society and of course, work on his or her communication skills.